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In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.在这本词典中,大写字母被用来指引读者从一个词去参看另一个词。In most dictionaries words to which the reader is cross-referenced are given in small capitals.在多数词典中,通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。More information can be found in the handout.更多信息可参看所发的印刷资料。For the more salient remarks on the matter, cf. Isis Unveiled, Vol. I.关于这个问题的更重要的评论,参看《揭开面纱的伊希斯》第一卷。Please refer to the illustration overleaf.请参看本页背面的插图。The words cross-referenced to are in small capitals.通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。 |