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词汇 参加聚会
例句 I never expected her to come to the party, but there she was, as big as life.我从来没想到她会前来参加聚会,但她就在那里,千真万确。She tarted herself up for the party. = She got tarted up for the party.她把自己打扮得花枝招展,准备去参加聚会She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party.她因他没有邀请她去参加聚会而生他的气。The children provided a convenient excuse for missing the party.孩子们为没有参加聚会随便找了个借口。I'm wearing a scarlet dress to the party.我准备穿一件大红色的礼服去参加聚会Can I bring a friend along to the party?我可以带朋友来参加聚会吗?Couldn't you ask Jon to the party?.你不能邀请乔恩参加聚会吗?She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow.她来参加聚会时带着一个高个的银发男子。You're still coming to the party tonight, aren't you? Good. See you later then.今天晚上你还是来参加聚会的,是吗?好的,那就到时再见。When I was invited to the party, I readily accepted.当被邀请参加聚会的时候,我一口答应了。He walked into the party with a beautiful well-dressed blonde on his arm.他走进来参加聚会,手臂上挽着一位穿着讲究的金发美女。She dropped a hint that she'd like to come to the party.她暗示她想来参加聚会I'd love to come to the party, but I'll be away that weekend.我很想来参加聚会,但那个周末我不在这儿。Robert arrived at the party with a leggy brunette.罗伯特带了一个长着深褐色头发的长腿女郎来参加聚会Neither Sarah nor Alice is coming to the party.萨拉和艾丽斯都不会来参加聚会Part of me loves going to parties but there's another part that prefers staying at home.我既喜欢参加聚会,又爱待在家里。She often went to parties and dances at Littlecote.她经常去利特尔科特参加聚会和舞会。I didn't really want to go to the party, but Dave talked me into it.我不太想去参加聚会,但是戴夫说服了我。We're inviting several people to a party.我们将邀一些人参加聚会They said I could bring a guest of my choice to the party.他们说我可以自己选一位客人带来参加聚会Aren't you going to change your clothes for the party?参加聚会不换换衣服吗?We invited all our near relatives to the party.我们邀请了所有的近亲来参加聚会You can't go to the party empty-handed.你不能空着手去参加聚会You didn't invite her to the party, did you? She's such a goody two-shoes.你没邀请她参加聚会,是吧?她太假正经了。Is it okay if I bring a friend to the party?我带一个朋友来参加聚会行吗?Sarah's a real party animal - she likes to dance all night.萨拉很热衷于参加聚会——她喜欢整夜地跳舞。They plan on coming to the party.他们打算来参加聚会I didn't want to go to the party, but he was adamant and we ended up going.我不想去参加聚会,可他坚持要去,最后我们还是去了。She came to the party wearing an outlandish costume and blond wig.她穿了一身古怪的服装,戴着金色的假发来参加聚会Lee's ticked off with me for not inviting him to the party.李因为我没邀请他参加聚会,对我很生气。The mother coaxed the daughter out of going to the party alone.母亲好言相劝,不让女儿独自去参加聚会Partying distracted them from their work.参加聚会使他们无法专心工作。The snowstorm gave us a ready-made excuse not to go to the party.暴风雪正好是我们不去参加聚会的理由。I had so much else to do that I decided to give the party a miss.我有许多别的事情要做,所以决定不去参加聚会了。I was so tired that I decided against going to the party after all.我实在太累了,因此最后决定不去参加聚会He put on his glad rags to go to the party.他穿上自己最好的衣服去参加聚会I told him that I couldn't come to the party, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. 我告诉他我无法参加聚会,但他坚持要我参加。Do you know if he'll come to the party?你知道他是否会来参加聚会We need to take some booze to the party.我们需要带些酒去参加聚会I got him to come to a party, which was something of a coup.我说服了他来参加聚会,实属意外之得。




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