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词汇 去度假
例句 We've decided to stay put this summer. We'll have a winter holiday instead.我们决定今年夏天哪也不去,我们会在冬天出去度假We can't afford to go on vacation this year.今年我们没钱去度假Make sure you get insurance before you go on holiday.去度假之前一定要买好保险。I decided to take a week's holiday to try and sort myself out.我决定去度假一周,尽量去解决自己的个人问题。We can't afford a vacation right now because money is tight. 由于缺钱,我们现在没法去度假They're going away on vacation.他们即将去度假We're going on vacation next week.下周我们去度假Going on holiday with my parents would be a surefire recipe for disaster.和我父母一起去度假准保倒霉。As they chatted, the idea of going skiing together gradually took form.他们聊天时,逐渐形成了一起去度假的想法。He had a holiday planned for next year.他计划好明年去度假It seems like ages since we had a holiday.我们好像很久没去度假了。If you want to take a holiday, first ask your line manager.如果你要去度假,先去征求部门经理的意见。I'm feeling all the better for my holiday.因为要去度假,我感觉好多了。Family vacations were a high point in my childhood.一家人去度假是我童年最美好的事。Does he have to come on vacation with us? He's such a wet blanket!他非得要和我们一起去度假吗?他这人很扫兴的!It's Sod's Law: the day before you go on holiday, someone offers you a job.事情总是这么不凑巧:在你要去度假的前一天有人给你提供了一份工作。She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage.她和她丈夫一起去度假了,以期弥合他们婚姻的裂隙。As long as your parents have no objection, you're very welcome to come on vacation with us.只要你父母不反对,我们非常欢迎你和我们一起去度假The car must break down just as we were going on our holiday.我们正要出去度假,偏偏汽车坏了。His massive family wedged into a small car for vacation.他的一大家子人挤进一辆小汽车前去度假Are you going to be around at Christmas or are you going on holiday?你圣诞节留在这里还是去度假?Alan's gone off on holiday and I've been landed with the job of cleaning up his mistakes.艾伦去度假了,结果改正他的差错的差使就落到了我头上。The idea of a holiday seems so remote I can hardly even imagine it.去度假的念头好像太遥远了,我几乎不敢去想。They sent her on a holiday to pep her up.为了让她振奋起来,他们安排她去度假If you go for a holiday in the off-season, you'll find some real bargains.如果你在旅游淡季去度假,费用会很便宜。I need to tan my legs before the holiday.我需要把腿哂黑才去度假I'm meant to be on holiday.我原本打算去度假的。We're thinking of taking a vacation towards the end of the month.我们打算这个月底去度假We put the house lights on timers before going on vacation.我们去度假前把家里的灯设置了定时。He can't afford his rent, let alone a holiday.他连租金都付不起了,就别说去度假了。People may one day be able to take vacations to the moon.或许将来有一天人们能够到月球去度假When are you leaving to go on holiday?你们什么时候去度假She could not go on holiday for want of money.她因为缺钱而不能去度假We're not going on holiday this year, simply because we can't afford it.今年我们不去度假,只是因为我们没有钱。We can't afford to go on holiday.我们没钱去度假I shall not be able to attend the meeting since I shall be on holiday with my family.我无法参加这次会议,因为我要跟家人一起去度假We're going on holiday today week.我们下周的今天要去度假Martha and Tom are going away this weekend.玛莎和汤姆这个周末要出去度假I wanted to go on holiday with Maria, but she put a block on that plan.我想和玛丽亚一起去度假,但她阻止了这个计划。Her parents were busy preparing to go on holiday.她的父母正忙于准备去度假




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