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词汇 去图书馆
例句 In his haste to get home, he forgot to go to the library.他急着赶回家,结果忘了去图书馆I've got to go and collect the book I ordered from the library.我得去图书馆取我订的书了。The fastest way to get to the library is to go through the park.去图书馆最快的路是穿过公园。He cycled across town to the library.他骑车穿过市区去图书馆He walked with her to the library.他和她走着去图书馆了。We want to encourage more children to use the library.我们想鼓励更多的孩子去图书馆She attends biweekly classes and studies at the library every Saturday.她每周上两次课,且每周六都去图书馆学习。I tried the library for his new book.去图书馆找过他的新书。Why not give the library a try? He's usually there on Tuesdays.为什么不去图书馆找找看?他星期二一般都在那儿。You may find her at home, or failing that, try the library.你可能在家里找到她,若不在的话,不妨去图书馆找找看。He took a circuitous route to the library, to avoid passing her house.他绕道去图书馆,以避免从她家经过。I'll be xeroxing in the library.我要去图书馆复印文件。I patronize the library regularly.我经常去图书馆Can you tell me how to get to the library?请问去图书馆怎么走?She had a pass to go to the library.她得到许可离开课堂去图书馆The library is slightly out of my way.去图书馆不太顺路。Casual users of the library may not realize that they now need a computerized ticket.不常去图书馆的人可能不知道现在他们需要一张电脑化的借书证。We told the taxi driver to take us to the library.我们告诉出租车司机去图书馆What's the quickest way to the library?去图书馆最快的路线是哪条?Every afternoon, Marge would toddle down to the library.每天下午,玛吉都会溜达着去图书馆




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