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词汇 厨师
例句 He earned a/his living as a cook. = He made a living by working as a cook.他靠当厨师维持生计。I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.每当厨师对我的工作吹毛求疵时,我都很失望。A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.厨师的薄唇一弯,露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。She's a super cook.她是位很棒的厨师Chefs differ in their idea of what makes a good dessert.拿什么当餐后甜点最好,厨师们想法各异。Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri's signature dishes.炖野兔是厨师詹卡洛·莫里的招牌菜之一。He's a brilliant chef who works magic with the most basic ingredients.他是名出色的厨师,能用最基本的食材做出美味佳肴。The chef comes with her recommendation.在她的推荐下,厨师上任了。My compliments to the chef.请向厨师代为致意!She's an exceptionally good cook.她是个特别优秀的厨师The students made representations to the college cook about the bad food.学生们就伙食恶劣一事向学校厨师提出抗议。The chef pulled together a menu of American and Italian cuisine.这位厨师总结出一份包括美国菜和意大利菜的菜单。The cook gets $30 a week and all found.厨师周薪三十元,并享受免费膳宿。He works as a cook but thinks of himself as a poet manqué.他是一名厨师,却认为自己本应成为一位诗人。Frank's a very good cook.弗兰克是一名优秀的厨师She hired out as a cook.她受雇成为一名厨师The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours; he was sweating.正在烧烤台上忙活的厨师抬起头来;他的脸上直冒汗。She answered an advert for a job as a cook.她看到一则招聘厨师的广告后写信应征。You'll insult the chef if you don't at least taste the meal.如果这顿饭你连尝都不尝一口的话,就是对厨师的侮辱。A large door swung open and a fat cook barged through.一扇门忽然打开,一个胖厨师冲了进来。Marco's ambition had been to become a chef in one of the big hotels.马科的梦想是在一家大酒店里当厨师He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.他活得相当潇洒,通常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。He's training as a chef.他在接受厨师培训。The chef bones the fish before grilling it.厨师烤鱼前剔除了鱼骨。My friend is an excellent chef.我的朋友是一名手艺很棒的厨师One can never learn all there is to know about cooking, and that is one of the joys of being a chef.钻研烹饪之道是永无止境的,这也是当厨师的乐趣之一。Susan looked after us very well. She's an excellent cook.苏珊把我们照顾得很好,她是个很出色的厨师Chef Michael Almay's creations will make you want to come back again and again.厨师迈克尔·奥梅创作的菜肴会让你一次又一次地做他们的回头客。I'm not a cook myself but I am interested in nutrition and that.我本人不是厨师,但对营养之类的事很感兴趣。Francine was a very good cook.弗兰辛是个非常好的厨师It takes a brave cook to depart radically from the traditional Christmas menu.一个厨师要彻底颠覆传统的圣诞节菜肴是需要很大勇气的。The cook was short and squat, with thick eyebrows and a slight moustache.厨师又矮又胖,眉毛粗黑,留了一撮稀疏的小胡子。The first TV cook, she was contemporaneous with Elizabeth David.身为第一位上电视烹饪节目的厨师,她与伊莉莎白·大卫是同时代的人。The cook will prepare whatever you wish.您想吃什么厨师就会给您做什么。The cook pummelled at the dough.厨师反复捶打面团。The cook hastily improvised a supper.厨师匆匆忙忙临时做了顿晚饭。The chef serves important guests himself.厨师亲自为重要客人上菜。His cakes are amazing—but then he did study with some of the best pastry chefs in the world.他做的蛋糕太棒了—人家毕竟曾跟过一些世界顶级的面点厨师学艺。Enjoy the delicious cuisine created by our award-winning chef.请享用我们获奖厨师烹制的佳肴。The book includes helpful hints for inexperienced cooks.这本书为初出茅庐的厨师提供了有益的指点。




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