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词汇 原因
例句 The bad weather conspired with some other unpleasant causes to ruin our picnic.坏天气加上其他一些不愉快原因使我们的野餐令人大为扫兴。The race has been called off due to circumstances beyond our control.由于我们无法控制的原因,比赛已经取消。People talk about various reasons for the company's failure, but it all comes down to one thing: a lack of leadership.人们对公司倒闭的原因说法各异,但归结起来就是领导力缺失。There are many reasons that an athlete may show sudden improvement: a new coach, emergence from injury, change in lifestyle.有很多原因会让运动员突然提升,包括聘请新教练、摆脱伤病困扰和改变生活习惯。We couldn't paint the outside because of the weather.因为天气的原因我们不能油漆外侧。The weather was a source of aggravation for us. 天气是我们烦躁的原因There are several disparate causes contributing to your downfall. You're just not aware of them.你的失败有好几个迥然不同的原因,只是你不知道而已。Askilled workforce is essential, which is why our training programme is so important.熟练的劳动力极其必要,这就是培训计划如此重要的原因We got married for the wrong reasons.我们出于错误的原因结婚了。He killed a man once and that's why he had to leave Ireland.他曾杀死过一个人,这就是他不得不离开爱尔兰的原因My reasons for leaving are twofold.我要离开的原因有两个。Now, here's why I 'm worried.好了,这就是我着急的原因It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates.冲突的原因似乎是在候选人名单方面没有达成共识。Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this district.贫困是这地区犯罪率高的原因之一。The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。That's why you're so anti other people smoking.那就是你如此反对别人抽烟的原因The cause of the crash was under investigation.撞车的原因仍在调查中。The weather was partly to blame for crop failure.天气不好是庄稼歉收的部分原因These changes occurred for reasons that are beyond my ken. 我对这些变化的原因一无所知。To understand the reason of an air crash, the most important thing is to find the black box.要了解空难发生的原因,最重要的是要找到黑盒子。They never told me why and that really hurt.他们从来没告诉我原因,这让我非常伤心。We asked him to explain his reasons to us.我们要求他向我们说明原因Tom wasted no time in telling me why he had come.汤姆立即把他来的原因告诉了我。Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.心理问题常常是明显生理疾病的深层原因For some obscure reason he is regarded as a great singer.由于某种说不清的原因,他被认为是个大歌唱家。In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India.在很多情况下,宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。殖民地时期的印度就是一个典型例子。Opinions vary about the reasons for the company's failure.对于这家公司倒闭的原因,人们看法不一。The team's weak defence was their undoing.防守薄弱是该队失败的原因A report in the official police newspaper gave no reason for the move.刊登在警方的官方报纸上的一篇报道没有说明此次行动的原因The origin of the custom is lost in the mists of time.形成这种习俗的原因现已湮没在时间的迷雾中。For some eerie reason, Lily felt queasy every time she saw him.由于某种莫名其妙的原因,莉莉一看见他就感到局促不安。The cause of the problem, as Hutton suggests, is the leadership's refusal to accept any form of criticism.问题的原因,如赫顿所暗示的,是领导层拒绝接受任何形式的批评。Investigators are looking through pieces of the wreckage for any clues about the crash.调查人员在残骸碎片中寻找失事的原因He might have left the money for the simple reason that he didn't know it was there.他留下那笔钱的原因可能很简单 — 他不知道那里有钱。The reason she stopped smoking is perfectly obvious: she's pregnant.她戒烟的原因极其明显:她怀孕了。Let me explain, first of all, why I called this meeting.首先,请让我说明一下召集这次会议的原因For reasons known only to her/herself, she sold her house and left town.她卖掉房子,离开了小镇,原因只有她自己知道。The reason for the worry became apparent almost at once.担忧的原因几乎立刻就变得显而易见了。For reasons best known to themselves, my parents were vehemently opposed to the idea.我父母拼命反对这一想法,原因只有他们自己知道。To an extent, that is the reason for the meeting.在某种程度上,那就是召开会议的原因




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