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词汇 原则
例句 I require you follow the guidelines I lay out below.我要求你遵照我在下面列的原则Stick to your principles, and you will win through.坚持你的原则,你就会胜出。The law is not a closed set of rules and principles.法律并不是一套固定的规章制度和原则What you're asking me to do goes against everything I believe in.你现在要求我所做的事情违背了我的所有原则Our party's principles are, we believe, in alignment with the values of the American public.我们相信,我们党的原则与美国公众的价值观是一致的。Military enlistment is voluntary.军队征兵实行自愿原则He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith with his radical principles.他坚持自己的激进创作原则,制作出当年最具影响力的一部美国电影。The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity.盈利动机天生就与公平和公正的原则相抵触。It's against my principles to cheat. 欺骗有悖于我做人的原则She refused on principle to give toy guns to the children.出于原则,她拒绝给孩子玩具枪。The panel could not say, on a balance of probabilities, that the patient would have survived given appropriate therapy.依据或然性权衡的原则,陪审团不能说患者如果得到了恰当的医治,本来可以活下来。This principle is absolutely fundamental.这项原则绝对重要。Under TQM principles the search for quality is continuous.在全面质量管理原则下,对质量的追求是持续不断的。I refuse to compromise my principles by eating meat.我拒绝违背自己的原则开荤。They worked strictly on the need-to-know principle.他们严格按照需要知晓原则办事。As a newspaper reporter I am committed to honesty and accuracy.作为一名新闻记者,我信守诚实、准确的原则It is a market where people can be very unprincipled and unpleasant.在这个市场里,一些人可能根本不讲道德原则,非常令人厌恶。She will never forsake her vegetarian principles.她绝不会放弃自己的素食主义原则This principle holds true for all states.这项原则对所有的州都适用。He has a firm grasp of the principles.他牢牢掌握了这些原则The Americans were the first to make law the principle of equal rights for every individual.美国人最早将人人平等的原则写进法律。We stand firm on these principles.对于这些原则我们立场很坚定。Anti-nuclear campaigners are calling the president's acceptance of nuclear testing a complete sell-out.反核运动者认为总统同意进行核试验是彻底地背弃了原则He did not swerve from his principles by a fraction.他坚持自己的原则一点也不通融。He refused to compromise his principles.他拒绝放弃原则These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free-market liberals.这些价格控制措施与推崇自由市场的自由主义者的经济原则相悖。I make it a policy not to lend my friends money. 我的原则是不借钱给朋友。He was a man of principle, refusing to genuflect to the party leadership.他是一个有原则的人,不愿意对该党的领导人卑躬屈膝。He had an abiding sense of fairness.他始终秉持公平无私的原则You received the principles with which you should agree, and you have agreed.你认可了这些你本该赞同且业已赞同的原则All the vegetables were grown in the walled kitchen garden on strictly organic principles.家庭菜园围墙内种植的所有蔬菜都严格遵守了有机种植原则He dealt with the problem on principle.他根据既定原则处理那问题。She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.接受他的邀请,她就已经是放弃了原则He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successors.他制订了几条原则,希望可以引导继任者。The golden rule is to pay attention. The same maxim applies to parenting.黄金法则是要留心注意,同样的原则也适用于养育子女。Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have.你的行为与你所宣称的原则背道而驰。Patient confidentiality prevents me from discussing any specific medical case.病人隐私的保密原则不允许我讨论任何特定病例。Employees are bound by rules of confidentiality.雇员必须遵守保密原则The principle still holds true for the present situation.原则仍适用于现状。We uphold the principle of racial equality.我们坚持种族平等的原则




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