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词汇 原先
例句 Every part on the new models is interchangeable with those on the original.新款上的每一个零部件与原先的都可互换。The house still has its original stone floors.这房子仍保留着原先的石地板。Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.原先苹果酒里的任何杂质在蒸馏后都会凸现出来。When threatened with a revolt of its own supporters, the government backpedaled from its previous position.政府在其支持者的反抗威胁之下,放弃了原先的立场。Ah! You begin to smell a rat, do you? You thought yourself pretty safe.啊! 你开始感到事情不妙了,是不是? 你原先还自以为什么事儿也没有呢。Originally paper money could, upon demand, as of right be changed into gold.原先,只要有人求兑,作为正当权利,纸币都可兑成黄金。The building was originally a school.那栋建筑原先是所学校。He was optimistic about his release, but he was much more sour on the world.他对自己的获释感到乐观,但对这个世界却比原先更加厌恶。I would not have expected such dishonesty from him.原先没有料到他会如此不老实。They felt that their original aims and demands were being diluted.他们感到原先的目标和要求被降低了。Their summer vacation turned out to be much more expensive than they'd bargained for.暑假的花费比他们原先所想的要贵多了。I've made a few very minor adjustments to the decor, but in general it was excellent.我对装饰作了些极小的调整,但从整体上来看原先的十分好。Is this the original fireplace?这是原先的壁炉吗?The idea of having to change school seemed to upset him more than we thought it would.转学的想法好像使他很苦恼,超过了我们原先的想象。The original idea came from Dr Ball.原先的主意是鲍尔博士提出来的。Kelly knocked two seconds off her previous time.凯利把她原先的时间减少了两秒。His novels were originally published in serial form in a magazine.他的小说原先是以连载的形式刊登在一份杂志上的。I think I have lost all the illusions I had left.我觉得我原先留存的所有幻想都已经破灭了。She'd had trouble dressing her hair.原先不会梳头。Any misgivings they might have felt were driven out by the sight of his cheerful face.看到他的喜色,他们原先可能有的一切疑虑都烟消云散了。The original version was cut by more than 30 minutes.原先的版本被删去了三十多分钟。He had initially thought Byrnes too soft with the Russians.原先他还以为伯恩斯对俄国人过于手软呢。The results support our original theory.这些结果证明了我们原先的推测。The bosses paid less than they had promised and the least complaint went to the police.老板们给的钱比原先答应的少,而警方收到的投诉少之又少。The audience hears the word so many times during the play that presumably they learn what it means if they didn't already know.观众在这部戏演出期间听到这个单词这么多次,因此可以推断即使他们原先不懂,现在也已经知道它的意思了。I stayed longer than I originally intended.我逗留的时间比原先打算的长了些。The house is a rebuild of the original manor house.这幢房屋是由原先庄园宅第改建而成的。Far fewer people have applied for the visas than the government initially expected.申请签证的人数比政府原先预计的要少得多。Forests have given place to tillage and pasture.原先的森林已被耕地和牧场所取代。Sometimes it is necessary to trim those policies.有时需要改变原先制定的那些政策。The government looks likely to go back on its decision to close the mines.看来政府可能会出尔反尔,推翻原先关闭矿井的决定。The ground was bare where the statue had stood for years.原先常年伫立着雕像的地面变得很空旷。The company started him at the same salary he had been getting on his previous job.公司雇下了他,工资同他原先的工作一样。I enjoyed it far more than I expected.我喜欢的程度远远超出了原先的期望。Kate realized that the previous hard look on Maggie's face had been a mask.凯特意识到玛吉原先的那副冷酷表情其实是装出来的。Our original plan was to go to Spain, but it was too expensive.我们原先的计划是去西班牙,但那太昂贵了。You are not who I thought you were.你不是我原先所想的那种人。I didn't know she collected modern art.原先不知道她收藏现代艺术品。Jenny stuck obstinately to her original plan.珍妮固执地坚持自己原先的计划。They achieved their original dominance by stealth.他们原先的优势是暗中取得的。




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