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词汇 压过
例句 The conversation was drowned by the arrival of the taxi.到来的出租车的声音压过了谈话的声音。The car jumped the curb.汽车压过了马路牙子。He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.为了压过音乐声,他几乎得大声喊才能让人听见。We outgunned them in artillery.我们的炮火压过他们。The smell of coffee drowned the sea smell.咖啡的气味压过海水的潮腥气。The car jumped over the curb.汽车压过了马路牙子。The Socialists tried to trump this with their slogan.社会党党员设法用他们的口号把它压过去。We went into the negotiations blind and, not surprisingly, the other side ran rings around us.我们没怎么准备就参与谈判,结果对方完全压过我们也就不足为奇了。You can always hear her voice above everybody else's.你总会听到她的嗓门压过其他所有的人。His speech was drowned by loud cheers.热烈的喝彩声压过了他演讲的声音。The USSR scored valuable propaganda points against its Western aggressors.苏联在宣传上压过了西方侵略者,赢得了宝贵的分数。




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