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词汇 厅里
例句 There was a buzz of voices in the hall as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。The hall was crowded with scientists from around the world.厅里挤满了来自世界各地的科学家。The great hall echoed with laughter.厅里回荡着笑声。He threw a hopeful glance into the hall.他满怀希望地朝大厅里看了一眼。His words rung out through the empty hall.他的话在空荡荡的大厅里响起。Two pairs of footsteps sounded from the hall.厅里响起了两个人的脚步声。Thousands of people jammed the hall. = The hall was jammed with thousands of people.厅里挤满了成千上万的人。Pandemonium reigned in the hall as the unbelievable election results were read out.令人难以置信的竞选结果一宣布,大厅里便乱成一片。The hall was packed out for his lecture.厅里挤满了听他演讲的人。The visitors were herded into two large halls.游客们被集中在两个大厅里There are a good many people in the hall.厅里有很多人。It was difficult to see who was standing there in the dim half-light of the hall.厅里昏暗不明,很难看清谁站在那里。The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.厅里弥漫着她母亲身上的香水味。The clock in the hall chimed six.厅里的钟敲了六下。All the chairs in the lounge are upholstered in black leather.厅里所有的椅子都装上了黑皮面子。There was not a spot of room in the hall.厅里挤得水泄不通。The hall was festooned with flowers.厅里结起了花彩。The strains of the national anthem filled the hall.厅里回荡着国歌的旋律。He took her coat, and hung it in the hall.他接过她的大衣,把它挂在厅里The hall resounded with laughter and whistles.厅里回荡著笑声和口哨声。The hall filled quickly.厅里很快就挤满了人。The hall buzzed with excitement as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。The hall rang with their cheers.厅里响彻他们的欢呼声。Downstairs in the hall, midnight struck.楼下大厅里响起了午夜的钟声。The hall was bedecked with flowers.厅里装点着鲜花。The large crowd filled the room and overflowed into the lobby.房间里人太多,都挤到大厅里了。There were discontented murmurs from the people in the hall.厅里传来人们不满的嗡嗡议论声。The crowd began to overflow the hall.厅里开始人满为患。As it was raining, the children spent playtime in the school hall.由于下雨,孩子们在游戏时间时待在学校大厅里玩耍。She opened the door and looked furtively down the hall.她开了门,鬼头鬼脑地朝门厅里张望。Rats are popping out in unprecedented numbers in village halls as well as rubbish dumps.村务大厅里从来没有这么多上蹿下跳的老鼠,也从没像现在这样垃圾成堆。They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door.他们听见门外的大厅里有脚步声。The stock market floor was wildly busy.证券交易所的大厅里忙得不可开交。She lugged his bag out into the hall.她把他的袋子拖到外面的大厅里I saw nothing in the dusk of the hall.厅里一片昏暗,我什么都看不见。I suggest you get everyone together in the foyer.我建议你把所有的人都聚到前厅里Only half of the attendees could fit into the hall at any one time.出席者太多了,大厅里无论如何都只能容下一半的人。There was a scattering of people in the hall.厅里有零零落落的几个人。The rows of seats in the hall are numbered with letters.厅里一排排座位均用字母编号。We've chosen wood flooring for the hall.厅里我们选择木地板。




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