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词汇 印象派
例句 The second, mirrored view of her was more impressionistic.第二张是她的倒影,更具有印象派的风格。The style of their novels is impressionistic.他们小说的风格是属于印象派的。The exhibition has sparked a revival of interest in the Impressionists.这次展览激起了人们对印象派画家的再度关注。In Impressionism the paint was laid on the canvas in dabs.印象派绘画中,颜料被一点点轻涂在画布上。The gallery's collection of early Impressionist paintings is one of the world's finest.这家画廊所收藏的早期印象派画作是世界上最优秀的藏品之一。Monet is one of the great Impressionists.莫奈是伟大的印象派画家之一。He became famous as an abstract/landscape/Impressionist painter.他成为了一名著名的抽象派/风景/印象派画家。The museum has paintings by such Impressionist artists as Manet and Degas.这家博物馆藏有莫奈和德加这类印象派画家的画。Does the writer belong to the Impressionist school?这位作家是否属于印象派The museum has one of the world's finest collections of Impressionist paintings.该博物馆的印象派藏画是世界上顶级的。Cubism, Impressionism, and other artistic isms立体派、印象派和其他艺术流派The gallery has an excellent collection of Impressionist works by, among others, Manet and Renoir.该画廊收藏有一些优秀的印象派作品,其中包括马奈和雷诺阿等人的作品。Sombreness takes up the dominant area in this impressionist's painting.阴郁是这个印象派画家作品的基调。The world's finest collection of Impressionist paintings is housed in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.巴黎奥塞美术馆拥有世界上最棒的印象派画作馆藏。There is no denying the influence of the Impressionist school in his painting.无可否认,他的画受到印象派的影响。His paintings had become more impressionistic as his eyesight dimmed.伴随着他视力的下降,他的画作变得更富印象派风格。The gallery houses one of the finest collections of impressionist art.这家美术馆珍藏着印象派艺术最精美的作品。




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