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词汇 印象
例句 Did you tell me about that? Sorry, it completely passed me by.你跟我说过那事?不好意思,我全没印象了。Her application had impressed him very favorably.她的申请留给他很好的印象George, with his dark hair and blue eyes, made an impression on almost everyone he met.乔治有一头黑发、一双蓝眼睛,给遇到他的几乎每个人都留下了很好的印象My English teacher left her imprint on me.我的英语教师给我留下深刻的印象She often comes across as rather too businesslike, even cold.她往往给人以一本正经的印象,甚至让人觉得冷冰冰的。We are all conditioned by early impressions and experiences.我们都受到早年印象和经历的影响。I was unimpressed with the standard of the accommodation.在我的印象里食宿标准是不怎么样的。We were impressed by the pianist's wonderful execution.这位钢琴家高超的技艺给我们留下了深刻的印象The title gives a false impression of what the book is actually about.这个书名使人们对这本书的实际内容产生一种错误的印象Her kindness left a lasting impression on her students.她的和蔼可亲给学生们留下了长久的印象She's not very impressed with them.她对他们没什么印象I was greatly impressed by the beauty of their art and the richness of their culture.我对他们的艺术之美和文化之丰富印象极为深刻。Churchill's clarity of vision impressed all who knew him.丘吉尔明晰的洞察力给每一个认识他的人都留下了深刻的印象He had impressed us with his versatility as a journalist.他作为记者的多才多能给我们留下了深刻的印象Her kindness left its mark on her students.她的善良给学生们留下了深刻的印象I retained only a muddy image of the event.对于这一事件,我的脑海中只留下模糊的印象I was impressed by the candor of his statement.他坦诚的表述给我留下了深刻的印象I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and shoulders above any other.我对你们的杂志印象非常深刻。感觉比其他杂志好多了。I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures.在我的讲座上,一个年轻人给我留下了深刻的印象He went away suitably impressed.他走了,给人留下了不错的印象That improved Mrs Goole's already favourable opinion of him.那件事更加深了古尔太太对他本来就不错的印象She gave me the impression of an innocent woman.她给我的印象是个单纯的女子。She wasn't stupid, though at times she gave that impression.她并不笨,只是有时候会给人这种印象She seemed rather struck on Vincent.她似乎对文森特印象很好。We were impressed by the depth of her experience/knowledge.她丰富的经验/渊博的知识给我们留下了深刻的印象That scene had burnt itself into her mind.那情景在她心中留下了不可磨灭的印象He impressed me as an honest man.他给我的印象是个老实人。He was unimpressed by/with their arguments.他对他们的论点没什么印象I had seen him in action during the San José strike, and I was very impressed.我看到过他在圣何塞的罢工中的表现,对他印象很深刻。You can make a real statement with plants.你可以通过植物给人留下深刻的印象Ending the talks now would project an image of being insincere.现在就终止会谈会给人一种不真诚的印象She was struck by the sameness of the houses.这些房子全都一模一样,给她留下了深刻的印象The name didn't register with me. 我对那个名字没什么印象It is essential that bullfighters give an impression of fearlessness.斗牛士给观众留下一个英勇的印象,这非常重要。Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.用树皮屑铺成的小路会给人以林间小道的印象At first browse the book is not impressive.粗粗一看这本书并不给人深刻的印象She made a very favourable impression on us.她给我们留下的印象非常好。He's more business-minded than he makes himself out to be.相对于他给人的印象,他其实更有生意头脑。We were impressed by the great richness of detail in her painting.她的画作着重细节刻画,给我们留下很深的印象He seemed nice at first, but he showed his true colors during the crisis.他开始给人的印象很友好,但在危机时就露出了真面目。




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