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词汇 印第安人
例句 The Indians were at first frightened of the fair-skinned Europeans.起初,印第安人对白皮肤的欧洲人感到害怕。Native Americans used to trade skins .印第安人过去曾买卖兽皮。The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.印第安人带了精美的珠饰来卖。The Indians besieged the fort.印第安人围困了要塞。The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans.电影涉及到印第安人受到的不公正待遇。While in New Mexico we visited the ruins of an ancient pueblo.在新墨西哥时,我们参观了印第安人村落的遗迹。The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years.南美印第安人烹食土豆的历史有两千好几百年。The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.印第安人突然出现,令士兵们措手不及。The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people.对于加利福尼亚的很多印第安人而言,猫头鹰是圣物。Most Indians live on reservations established by the Federal Government.大部分印第安人生活在联邦政府建立的保留地上。The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook.印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.早期的探险家直接跟印第安人进行交易。The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans.雕是印第安人心中最神圣的动物。They are concerned for the fate of the forest and the Indians who dwell in it.他们为这片森林及居住于其中的印第安人的命运而担心。Indians who are wary about energy development唯恐外人来开发能源的印第安人African percussion and Native American flute round out the show.非洲打击乐器和印第安人的笛子使得演出更加精彩。The Sioux Indians placed a high value on generosity.苏族印第安人非常重视慷慨大方。Native Americans traded furs with early European settlers.美洲印第安人与早期的欧洲定居者进行毛皮交易。They ululated like Red Indians.他们像印第安人一样大呼小叫。The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans.印第安人来说,鹰是最神圣的动物。The Indian speared a fish.那位印第安人叉中了一条鱼。Native American美洲原住民;印第安人 A visit with the Indian chief was the climax of his trip.访问印第安人酋长是他这次旅行中最令人兴奋的事。There are a lot of exaggerations and falsehoods about the Indians.关于印第安人有著许多不实之辞及谎言。Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree.墨西哥印第安人过去常用番木瓜树叶把难嚼的肉包起来。Feathers of various kinds are used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes.美洲印第安人在举行仪式时用到各种羽毛。The Indians were reduced to small reservations.印第安人被限定在一块块狭小的保留地内居住。Nine Indians were taken captive.九个印第安人被俘。Indians hunted the prairie for buffalo.印第安人在北美大草原上捕猎野牛。The Comanches were great and fearless warriors.科曼切族印第安人都是英勇善战、无所畏惧的勇士。The Indian of the West is a rover of the plain.西部的印第安人在大平原上过著游牧生活。The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians.加拿大军队拆掉了印第安人设置的路障。The students are Anglos, Latinos, and Native Americans.学生中有非拉美裔白人、拉美人和印第安人These bracelets were crafted by Native Americans.这些手镯是美洲印第安人制作的。Indians were compelled to work in the mines.印第安人被迫在矿井工作。The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.印第安人突如其来地出现,令士兵们猝不及防。Boys used to play at cowboys and Indians.男孩们过去常常玩扮演牛仔和印第安人的游戏。Native Americans had used tobacco since time immemorial.美洲印第安人自古以来使用烟草。Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians.采矿已经彻底扰乱了扬诺马米印第安人传统的生活方式。Many Indians greased their bodies.许多印第安人用油脂涂抹身体。




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