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The health authority denied negligence.卫生当局否认玩忽职守。Health authorities want to make it easier for patients to be treated at home.卫生当局希望让病人在家接受治疗方便一些。Health and education need cash from the government.卫生和教育需要政府拨款。I sat in a small and not very sanitary café in Soho.我坐在索霍区一家不那么卫生的小咖啡馆里。This incident is an indictment of the way the health service is being run.这起事件是对现行卫生医疗服务方式的控诉。His former employer admitted breaching health and safety regulations.他以前的雇主承认违反了卫生与安全规定。Standards of hygiene have fallen, with all the attendant risks of disease.因为疾病的所有附带风险,卫生水平降低了。They lived in conditions of appalling sanitation.他们生活在极为恶劣的卫生环境中。Do you agree with the principle that everyone should pay something towards the cost of health care?每个人都要承担一些卫生保健费用,这个原则你赞同吗?The party needs to set out a clear direction of travel for health care.该党需要为卫生保健制度设定明确的目标。The President has won new support because of his reforms in the areas of health and education.总统因为在卫生和教育这两个方面进行了改革而得到更多人的支持。It's more hygienic to use disposable paper tissues.使用一次性餐巾纸更为卫生。Inspectors say health and safety procedures at the factory leave a lot to be desired.稽查员说工厂的卫生和安全措施还有许多需要改进的地方。An inspector ensures that food is prepared in hygienic conditions.检查员的工作是确保食品在卫生的条件下制作。An industrial hygienist found nothing wrong in the building.工业卫生专家在这栋建筑物里没有发现任何有问题的地方。The sale of untreated milk may contravene public health regulations.销售未经处理的牛奶可能违反公众卫生条例。I spent the last rainy weekend cleaning the kitchen.我利用上一个下雨的周末打扫了厨房的卫生。Her house remains at all times tidy and hygienic.她的房屋总是保持着整洁卫生。His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.他的职位名称是卫生工作主任。The book provides some good household cleaning tips.这本书提供了一些关于家庭卫生清洁的好方法。They believe that the government does not spend enough money on health, education, and such like.他们认为,政府在卫生、教育等方面投入经费不够。Your responsibility is to keep this area clean. = Keeping this area clean is your responsibility.你负责这片区域的卫生。The Conservatives have promised to increase spending on health and education if they get in.保守党承诺当选后增加卫生和教育的开支。House-to-house visitation has been carried on, under the regulations of the General Board of Health.根据卫生委员会的规定,挨家挨户的探访持续进行了下去。The health services make extensive use of foreign labour.卫生服务部门大量使用外国劳动力。Put the cleaning things away when you are done.打扫完卫生之后请把清洁用品放好。Meat products must always be kept in hygienic conditions.肉制品必须始终保存在卫生的环境里。For a monthly flat fee, paid by the consumer or employer, HMOs provide a specified list of medical services both in and outside the hospital.个人或雇主每月交纳固定费用,卫生维护组织向其提供医院内外的一系列特定的医疗服务。For years we have argued that the health service is underfunded.多年来我们一直都在说卫生医疗方面资金投入不足。It's a matter of basic hygiene.这是基本卫生问题。The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕。There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby.附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。The importance of strict hygiene in the preparation of food cannot be overemphasized.预备食物时严格注意卫生的重要性无论怎样强调都不过分。We provide health care outside any kind of institutional setting.我们提供不属于任何医疗机构服务范围的卫生保健服务。I'm calling round at the Rodings to ask if Mrs Higgins will char for you.我去罗丁家问问希金斯太太是否愿意来帮你搞搞卫生。For reasons of hygiene, we had to cut our fingernails really short.为了卫生,我们要把指甲剪得很短。Poverty leads to slums, which are an eyesore and a health hazard.贫困产生了贫民窟,那里不仅有碍观瞻,而且卫生隐患严重。Second-hand clothes must be sanitated before being resold.旧衣服必须经过卫生消毒处理才准出售。She knew that a hygiene inspection could spell trouble for her restaurant.她知道卫生检查会给她的餐馆带来麻烦。The restaurant's kitchen is regularly inspected for cleanliness.这家饭店的厨房定期接受卫生检查。 |