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The seller had agreed to dispatch the goods free of charge.卖方同意免费送货。The interests of buyers and sellers are diametrically opposed to each other.买方利益与卖方利益是截然相反的。The vendor has partnered with a firewall provider to protect its terminals.卖方已经和防火墙供应商结成伙伴来保护其终端。Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor.记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。Sellers pay a fixed commission fee.卖方支付固定的服务费。There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.没有证据表明经纪人与实施诈骗的卖方狼狈为奸。In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out.理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试。We cannot guarantee the seller will go through with the sale.我们不能保证卖方能够实现销售。The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。 |