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词汇 卖房子
例句 The latest trend is for home-owners to carry out improvements before selling their properties.最近,屋主在卖房子前一般都会先修缮一下。I won't sell the house. Not at any price! 我不会卖房子,给多少钱也不卖!He made a handsome profit on the sale of the house.他靠卖房子获得了巨额利润。She made a pile selling property.她靠卖房子赚了大钱。I called the realtor to inquire about selling the house.我打电话给该房地产经纪人,咨询卖房子的事。I see their house is for sale.我看到他们要卖房子They're selling the house.他们在卖房子I don't see any answer, short of selling the house.除了卖房子之外,我想不出任何解决办法。We experienced a lot of difficulty in selling our house.我们卖房子几经周折。It's a good idea to have an estate agent to act for you when you are selling a house.你要卖房子的话,最好找个房地产经纪人为你代理事务。Why are they in such a rush to sell the house?他们为什么这样急着要卖房子I must see about selling the house.我得料理一下卖房子的事情。




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