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He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..他声称他是一场卑鄙的竞选运动的牺牲品。They're a couple of dirty double-crossers.他们是两个卑鄙的叛徒。She is a despicable traitor.她是个卑鄙的叛徒。That was a low trick.那是卑鄙的伎俩。I hate that miserable SOB.我痛恨那个卑鄙的王八蛋。That was a pretty mean trick.那把戏可是够卑鄙的。In his books, he lays bare the foulness of man.在他的著作中,他揭露人类的卑鄙。I think he's an absolute stinker to do that to her.我认为他对她做出那样的事简直是太卑鄙了。That's a filthy lie!那是个卑鄙的谎言!She has a dirty little secret.她有个肮脏卑鄙的秘密。He really did that? I didn't think he could stoop so low.他真的干了那事?我以为他不会卑鄙到如此地步。He packs a mean punch.他打拳很卑鄙。I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner.我辛辛苦苦才挣到了这一切,我不希望它们被某个卑鄙的生意伙伴夺走。Say, just what kind of an insect are you?嗨,我倒要问问,你究竟是个什么样的卑鄙角色?Politics is a dirty business.政治是一种卑鄙骗人的勾当。The company had behaved with typical shabbiness.该公司的行为一如既往地卑鄙。The swindler is below contempt.这个骗子卑鄙到了令人不齿的地步。He realised what a swine he had been.他意识到了自己是一个多么卑鄙的人。I don't care who he is, I think he's a louse.不管他是谁,我都觉得他是个卑鄙的家伙。He was disgusted at the nastiness of crooked politics.他对政界玩弄手腕的卑鄙行径深恶痛绝。Those are dirty deeds.那些是卑鄙的行为。Watch out for her. She plays dirty.小心提防着她,她这个人手段卑鄙。He achieved a certain notoriety after his recent mean acts.他最近卑鄙的所作所为使他成了一个臭名昭著的人物。He's a real sleaze.他真是个卑鄙的家伙。I wish she wouldn't act so cheap.她的行为不那么卑鄙就好了。It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs.在背后讲人坏话是卑鄙的。But he didn't have the guts to just go ahead and do his own dirty work.但是他又没有胆量直截了当地进行他这种卑鄙的勾当。You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you - you nasty little sneak!是你告诉了库珀夫人我打翻了油漆,对吗——你这卑鄙的告密者!He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse.他以前从未像最近这样卑鄙到进行人身攻击。He pulled a really mean trick on his sister.他对妹妹耍了个非常卑鄙的花招。He wouldn't sink as low as that.他不会堕落到那样卑鄙的地步。It is mean to spread gossip about others.散布有关他人的流言蜚语是卑鄙的。It's despicable the way he treats those kids.他那样对待那些孩子,真卑鄙。He played a low trick.他玩弄卑鄙的伎俩。He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed.自己卑鄙的双重生活被揭穿后,他双手抱头坐在那里。She knew that he was inspired by base motives.她知道他动机卑鄙。He said that we were evil, malignant and mean.他说我们既邪恶又恶毒,还非常卑鄙。That guy is one mean mother.那家伙是个卑鄙的混账东西。The heiress is badly treated by her dastardly uncle.这位女继承人受到她那卑鄙的叔叔的虐待。He's a dirty cheat, and I'm going to see that he gets what's coming to him.他是个卑鄙的骗子,我倒要看看他的下场。 |