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词汇 卑躬屈膝
例句 As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.作为服务员,你应该对人友好,但不要表现出完全卑躬屈膝的样子。He was a man of principle, refusing to genuflect to the party leadership.他是一个有原则的人,不愿意对该党的领导人卑躬屈膝We will not kowtow to the government.我们不会对政府卑躬屈膝The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics.年轻人更是把他看作一位坚持原则、不会为了政治上的妥协而卑躬屈膝的人。I don't like people who crawl.我不喜欢卑躬屈膝的人。I'd rather die than go crawling back to him.我宁愿死也不愿意向他卑躬屈膝He never crawls to his superiors.他对上司从不卑躬屈膝They respect my position but they don't grovel before me.他们尊重我的地位,但不会在我面前卑躬屈膝If you constantly try to make someone happy, you end up becoming submissive, saying yes when you don't really mean it.如果你总是想讨好某人,最后就会变得卑躬屈膝,口是心非。He abased himself before the general.他在将军面前卑躬屈膝He spoke in a servile tone.他用卑躬屈膝的腔调说话。She refused to take/accept/play a subservient role in their marriage.她拒绝在他们的婚姻中充当/担任/扮演一个卑躬屈膝的角色。He's gone crawling back to his old girlfriend.他又卑躬屈膝地去讨好前女友了。She would ask for help, but would not beg for it on bended knee.她会寻求帮助,但绝不会卑躬屈膝地乞求。She had never been one to kowtow and repress her own opinions.她从来就不是那种卑躬屈膝、压抑自己想法的人。It's embarrassing to see people bowing and scraping to the new CEO.看到员工们对新首席执行官如此卑躬屈膝真是令人难堪。She is embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority.她差不多对任何当权者都卑躬屈膝,真令人难堪。He always cringes before the boss.他在老板面前总是卑躬屈膝She made all the decisions, gave all the orders, and Ramón slavishly complied.她专权独断,爱发号施令,而拉蒙卑躬屈膝地顺从。It usually means going hat in hand and asking friends and relatives for money.这通常意味着卑躬屈膝地向朋友和亲戚要钱。Why were you so humble in the manager's office?在经理室时你为什么如此卑躬屈膝?He received a grovelling apology.他得到了卑躬屈膝的道歉。A man apologizes when he's wrong, but he will grovel before no one.男子汉会认错,但不会对任何人卑躬屈膝




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