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The half-moon was just peeping over the horizon.半个月亮正从地平线上升起。The mechanism that raises the bridge was not working correctly.升起桥梁的机械装置出了毛病。Smoke was billowing from the campfire.营火中升起滚滚浓烟。She tied on the flag and ran it up the mast.她把旗子系上,顺杆升起。The sun poked over the horizon.太阳从地平线上升起。The lights went down and the curtain rose on an empty stage.灯光暗下来,帷幕升起,露出一个空荡荡的舞台。He stirred the sleeping embers into a cheerful blaze.他拨动渐歇的余火,使它升起欢快的火焰。The moon rose above the ridge of the eastern desert.月亮从东边沙漠隆脊上升起。The sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起。They ran up the national flag.他们升起了国旗。When the curtain rises after intermission, the set is bare and the main character finds himself alone.幕间休息过后,大幕再度升起,舞台上空荡荡的,只剩下男主角一人。We watched as the moon rose in the eastern sky.我们看着月亮从东边的天空升起。Smoke curled from tall chimneys.烟从高高的烟囱中袅袅升起。They've run up a British flag on the roof.他们在屋顶上升起了一面英国国旗。As the sun rose in the sky the temperature climbed.随着太阳的升起,温度也逐渐升高。The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗。He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette.他注视着烟雾从香烟上升起。The yellowish brown smoke fumed up and swirled.棕黄色的烟雾冒出来,袅袅升起。They flew the flag of the African National Congress.他们升起了非洲人国民大会的旗帜。Troops raised the country's colors in a special ceremony.部队在一个特殊的仪式上升起了国旗。A thin mist was ghosting up from the turf.草地上悄然升起一层薄雾。The sun rose slowly over/above the eastern horizon.太阳缓缓地从东方地平线上升起。Clouds of malarial mosquitoes rise from the swampy banks of the river Euphrates.一片片黑压压的疟蚊从幼发拉底河两岸的沼泽地升起。The periscope rose up and locked into place.潜望镜升起并已就位。The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。White smoke coiled from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel.白烟从西斯廷教堂的烟囱里袅袅升起。A heavy mist arose and hung over the city.一阵浓雾升起,笼罩全城。Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.浓烟打着旋儿滚滚升起,恶臭的烟气呛得她透不过气来。The summer heat rose off the pavement.夏日的热气从路面升起。The curtain rose to reveal a gloomy, sepulchral set for the play.幕布升起,露出剧中一个阴森恐怖的场景。The smoke from her cigarette corkscrewed upwards.烟从她的香烟上盘旋升起。What time does the sun rise tomorrow morning?明天早晨太阳什么时候升起?As soon as the sun came up, everyone took it upon themselves to exercise.太阳一升起,大家都开始锻炼身体。We saw smoke curling from the cottage chimney.我们看到烟从小屋的烟囱袅袅升起。He stood backstage, nervously awaiting the rise of the curtain.他站在后台,紧张地等候着幕布的升起。Spirals of blue smoke began to rise from the piles of twigs.缕缕青烟开始从树枝堆上袅袅升起。The sun's coming up over the mountain.太阳从山的上空升起。The house fell silent as the curtain rose.帷幕缓缓升起,整个剧场变得鸦雀无声。To celebrate our victory, we ran up our flag.为庆祝胜利,我们升起了自己的旗帜。At midnight, the German flag will be raised over the Reichstag.半夜时,德国国旗将在德国国会大厦升起。 |