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词汇 升华
例句 She sublimated her erotic feelings into a series of paintings.她把情欲升华为一幅幅画作。This technique was then adapted and refined by the more sophisticated cultures of the ancient world.这种技术后来被更先进的古代文明加以改进和升华The comet's ices, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacularly sublimate to gas.彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。The poem is a perfect distillation of the meaning of the holiday.这首诗是对假日意义的完美升华A great book can elevate the human spirit.一本好书能够升华人的心灵。Their affection to each other was sublimated into a lasting friendship.他俩之间的感情被升华成一种永久的友谊。He has perfectly distilled the meaning of the holiday into a poem.他把假日的意义完美地升华为一首诗。The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.将性冲动升华为艺术。The mineral can be found in hot spring deposits and as a volcanic sublimate product.这种矿物可以在温泉的沉淀物中找到,它也是火山的升华产物。Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster.悲剧作品使悲伤和灾难得到了升华The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale.故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为神奇的童话。The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy tale.这个故事从哥特式悲剧升华为神奇童话。The soul continues to be reborn until it has reached a state of perfection.心灵进一步得到升华,直至达到完美境界。The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.性冲动升华成了艺术。Hard work ennobles the human spirit.艰苦工作使人精神升华




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