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词汇 匪徒
例句 After he talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot.他向警方供认之后,匪徒们决定干掉他。The bandits scattered in alarm.匪徒们惶惶然四散逃窜。He enlisted the aid of a yakuza.他取得了一个匪徒的帮助。The bandits laid for the policemen along the road.匪徒埋伏在路边准备袭击警察。The movie is about a gangster who gets power by offing his rivals.这部影片演的是一个匪徒通过谋杀对手夺权的故事。The gunman threatened to let the teller have it if he didn't obey.武装匪徒威胁出纳员,要是不顺从就开枪打死他。The gang had planned their escape thoroughly.这帮匪徒已详细制定了逃跑计划。Most Southern towns have suffered from the reckless depredations of the armed gang.大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺。Many of the worst gangsters maintained an air of respectability.许多最坏的匪徒都保持着一副正派体面的样子。A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars.警方打击偷车贼的行动遭遇了一点小挫折:匪徒偷走了一辆警车。The police trailed the gang to their hideout.警察追踪匪徒到他们的藏身地。The attacker knocked on their door and made a lunge for Wendy when she answered.匪徒敲了敲他们的门,听到温迪一应声便扑向了她。Witnesses reported that the bandits were wearing hoods.目击者称匪徒们戴着面罩。A helicopter hovered overhead as one of the gang made a run for it.当其中一个匪徒逃跑的时候,一架直升机在空中盘旋。He burst into the room with a toy gun in his hand, pretending to be a gangster.他扮成匪徒,拿着玩具枪冲进房间。The police kept after the bandits until they were finally caught.警方对匪徒紧追不舍,直到把他们捕获。 The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit.那帮匪徒驱车逃走,警察在后面紧紧追赶。The execution of the bandits took place today.匪徒们于今天处决。Anarchy reigned in the countryside as bandits attacked government convoys.匪徒袭击了政府的车队,乡下的无政府状态十分严重。It was rumoured at the time that some of the gangs were working hand in glove with the police.当时有传言说一些匪徒和警方勾结。He's in the pay of gangsters.他受雇于匪徒They turned and fled when they saw the gang approaching.看到匪徒逼近,他们转身逃走了。Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry.在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就盯上了那帮匪徒The gang manhandled the stolen trailer through a gap in the fence.匪徒把偷来的拖车从篱笆的缺口处硬推过去。The opening scene of the movie features the gangsters discussing their next heist.该影片一开始是匪徒们讨论下一次抢劫的场景。In the latest incident at the weekend police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them.在周末发生的最近一起暴力事件中,警方与向他们投掷手榴弹的一伙匪徒展开了枪战。Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.持枪匪徒一再朝美军阵地放冷枪。He plays a two-bit Chicago gangster in the play.他在剧中扮演一个毫不起眼的芝加哥匪徒Bandits sometimes pose difficulties for the police.匪徒有时给警方带来种种麻烦。The bandits fled to a remote mountain hideaway.匪徒们逃到了一个偏远的山间藏身。The bandits carried off much plunder.匪徒们运走了大批抢来的财物。The gangster was flushed out from his hideout.匪徒从藏匿处被驱赶出来。Over £60,000 worth of jewellery has been stolen by an armed gang in north London.在伦敦北部,价值六万多英镑的珠宝被一伙武装匪徒抢劫。It is assumed the man was taken for a ride by the gang.据推测那男子被一帮匪徒绑去杀害了。The bandits reeled back under police attack.匪徒在警察的进攻下向后溃退。The policemen laid for the bandits along the road.警察埋伏在路边等著袭击匪徒




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