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词汇 by lack of
例句 Research is often constrained by lack of sufficient data.研究工作常常因为缺乏足够的数据而受到限制。The irrigation project was encumbered by lack of funds.灌溉工程因经费缺乏而停顿。Several villages have been isolated by lack of buses.由于缺少公车,有几个村子显得很偏僻。Our research has been constrained by lack of cash.我们的研究工作因缺少现金而受到限制。The hospital building programme has been delayed by lack of money.医院的建造计划因缺乏资金而推迟。His work is characterized by lack of attention to detail.他的工作的特点是不注意细节。Progress on the project has been stymied by lack of money.这个项目的进展由于资金短缺而受阻。He was greatly debilitated by lack of food.他因吃不饱而变得极为虚弱。The project was hampered by lack of funds.工程因资金短缺而受阻。The boredom is caused as much by people's unsatisfying home lives as by lack of work.不幸福的家庭生活和失业都会导致心生倦怠。The enemy was immobilized by lack of transport.敌军因缺乏运输工具而丧失了机动性。The problems were caused by lack of time as much as anything.这些问题就是时间太仓促造成的。I hate feeling fenced in by lack of money.我不愿意因缺钱而受困。He is walled in by lack of opportunity.机会总是与他无缘。The election campaign was straitjacketed by lack of funds.竞选运动因经费不足而捉襟见肘。The charity is handicapped by lack of funds.这个慈善机构因为缺乏资金难以开展工作。The situation was worsened by lack of communication.因为缺乏沟通,情况越来越糟。




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