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词汇 包住
例句 She put a plaster on his bleeding finger.她用创可贴包住他流血的手指。The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping.该公司用泡沫塑料包住牌匾,以防止其在运输过程中受损。She wrapped her hair in a towel.她用毛巾包住头发。These weapons also had a heavy brass guard which encased almost the whole hand.兵器还有一个沉重的黄铜护手,几乎可以把整只手都包住She tied some rag round my hand.她用些破布包住我的手。The entire foot was encased in an envelope of cotton material.整只脚用棉布包住了。Sylvia handed me a large parcel, tightly wrapped in brown paper.西尔维娅递给我一个用棕色纸紧紧包住的大包裹。A gong can be muffled with cloth.用布包住锣,锣声就会变得低沉。The skirt fits tightly over the hips and flares just below the knees.这条裙子紧紧包住臀部,到膝盖下方的位置展开。He folded the pills in a piece of paper.他用纸包住药丸。Cover the pastry with the top piece, sealing well and crimping the edges.把奶脂浇在油酥面团上,包住边缘并捏出花边。




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