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My French just about passes so long as the conversation doesn't get too technical.只要对话涉及的话题不是太专业,我的法语还能勉强应付。If I get this raise, we'll just about keep our heads above water until next year.如果我这次加了工资,我们的生活直到明年还能勉强应付。My French is pretty basic, but I can get by.我的法语水平很低,但是我能勉强应付。The business is in trouble, but we are just about keeping our heads above water.公司遇到了一些问题,但我们还得勉强应付下去。I only studied Spanish for a year but I can scrape by in most situations.我只学了一年的西班牙语,但在大多数情况下我都能够勉强应付。He went to Tokyo and within a few weeks knew enough Japanese to get by.他去了东京没几个星期就能以日语勉强应付了。The staff here are barely coping with all the work.这里的员工只能勉强应付这所有的工作。 |