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词汇 劳动力
例句 The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market.失业时间越久,就越难以在劳动力市场竞争。Any labour shortage could push up costs.任何劳动力短缺都会推高成本。The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers expressed as a percentage of a country's labour force.失业率是以失业人数占一国劳动力的百分数来表达的。The key to a successful modern economy is a well-educated and motivated workforce.成功的现代化经济关键是要有受过良好教育、积极主动的劳动力Next to the expense of cashiers, pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers.对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。The Scottish labour market has been remarkably successful in absorbing the increase in the number of graduates.苏格兰的劳动力市场在吸纳新增毕业生就业方面异常成功。These companies want an educated work force.这些公司需要受过良好教育的劳动力Cutting training programs will dumb down the American workforce.削减培训方案将会降低美国劳动力的素质。It is too early to say what effect, if any, there will be on the workforce.如果会对劳动力产生一些影响,现在就说是什么影响还言之过早。The company sought to cut labor costs by increasing its efficiency.公司设法通过提高效率来减少劳动力成本。The industry has been hit by a skills shortage because of an ageing workforce and falling recruitment levels.劳动力老龄化和招工水准降低造成的技术短缺让该行业受到了冲击。There was a plentiful supply of cheap labour.有大量廉价劳动力As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.由于农村工厂遣散劳动力,人们便向城市涌去。For skilled occupations the supply of labour is typically fairly inelastic, because few workers are capable of doing the work.对于技术工作来说,劳动力供给的变化通常是比较小的,因为能胜任工作的工人非常少。In Siberia labour is at a premium.西伯利亚劳动力奇缺。For now the only bright spots in the labor market are small businesses and high-tech start-ups.目前劳动力市场上唯一的亮点是小企业和新兴高科技公司。Askilled workforce is essential, which is why our training programme is so important.熟练的劳动力极其必要,这就是培训计划如此重要的原因。The labour shortage is becoming acute.劳动力匮乏愈演愈烈。More women are being encouraged into the labour market these days.当今鼓励更多的女性进入劳动力市场。Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers?为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?As unemployment rises, the pool of cheap labour increases.随着失业的上升,廉价劳动力的数量也在增加。Students are the workforce of tomorrow.学生是未来的劳动力The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.圣诞节之后,劳动力市场的衰退通常会加剧一月份的失业状况。Most countries have a pool of surplus labour.大多数国家都有盈余劳动力储备。Most of the money will be used to establish local industries and mobilize the work-force.这笔钱大部分将用于创办地方工业和调用劳动力The health services make extensive use of foreign labour.卫生服务部门大量使用外国劳动力There is a shortage of labour relative to the demand for it.与需求相比,劳动力不足。Labour is bought and sold like any other commodity.劳动力像其他商品一样买卖。They were cheap labour.他们是廉价劳动力A highly-trained workforce equals high productivity.高素质的劳动力创造高生产力。The theory assumes that both labour and capital are mobile.这个理论的前提是劳动力和资金都是流动的。Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour.耕作已经机械化了,减少了对劳动力的需求。Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor.这么便宜的商品显然是依靠极廉价的劳动力The work force has been halved in two years.劳动力在两年里减少了一半。As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire.作为一种减少劳动力的方法,给工人们现金诱使他们退休。Firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour.各公司正在试图让劳动力市场的均势向有利于自己的方向倾斜。Some companies outsource to cheaper locations to cut costs.为了降低成本,有的公司把工作外包给劳动力廉价的地区。Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources.拉丁美洲有充足的劳动力和自然资源。There's a shortage of manpower in the building industry.建筑业劳动力缺乏。Companies export jobs because it is cheaper to pay foreign workers.许多公司会把工作外包,因为外国劳动力成本低廉。




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