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词汇 务必
例句 Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.务必保证足够的水分摄入。Be sure to allow adequate time for the paint to dry.务必留出足够时间等漆变干。Do write and let me know how you're getting on.务必写信告诉我你的情况。Just make sure you shut the gate after you.进来后务必关上大门。In working with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking.用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗后会缩水。Be sure to keep your wallet safe. 务必看好你的钱包。It's essential that we arrive on time.我们务必准时到达。Be sure to take your notes along with you.务必带上你的笔记。Be sure to fasten your seatbelt.务必系好安全带。He says there's a golden opportunity for peace which must be seized.他说务必抓住这个谋求和平的绝佳机会。Make sure the fat is sizzling hot.务必将脂油加热到咝咝作响。Make sure that the muscles get the proper amount of extension.务必让肌肉得到适度的伸展。Do accessorize simply, pick plain colours for bag and shoes.衣饰务必朴素,手提包和鞋子要挑素净的颜色。Make sure you get some kind of written assurance.务必取得某种形式的书面保证。Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying back when you plan to redeem the item.务必弄清楚将来赎回物品时需要偿还多少。Be sure to take/get a couple shots of the car.务必给车拍几张照片。If there is any trouble, do let me know.如遇到麻烦,务必告诉我。Many of these tools have sharp blades, so be careful.这些工具中很多都有锋利的刀片,务必小心。Make sure you read the relevant chapters.务必阅读相关章节。Make sure you get people's names right when you're sending out the invitations.发出请柬时务必把收信人的姓名写清楚。Make sure you always keep your receipts.务必保留收据。People have to be emotionally equipped to handle their success.人们务必在感情上准备好面对他们的成功。Always get a written quote before proceeding with work.开始工作之前务必取得书面报价。Make sure children know the emergency evacuation routes.务必让孩子们知道紧急疏散路线。My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private.我的主人命令我务必私下里传递消息。Make sure you're home by midnight.务必得午夜前到家。It is of vital importance that we get there by six o'clock.我们务必在六点前到达那里。Always observe the correct procedure for the use of ski-lifts.务必按照正确的步骤乘坐滑雪缆车。Be sure to double-space. It makes reading much easier.务必用双倍行距。这样方便阅读。Please see that this urgent parcel gets off this morning.请你务必在今天上午把这紧急邮包寄出去。 Be sure to wipe your dirty feet on the mat before you enter the house.务必在门口擦鞋垫上擦干净脚再进屋。This meeting is very important, so be on time.这次会议很重要,请务必准时出席。Make sure to check your spelling.务必检查一下拼写。It's essential to arrive on time.务必准时到达。You'll have to watch next week to find out what happens.你下周务必仔细观察,看看会发生什么。There is a strict procedure you must follow: first make sure the safety catch is on.有一个你必须严格遵循的程序:首先务必将保险栓拉上。Try to keep safety in the forefront of your mind at all times.任何时候都务必把安全放在首位。Do let me know all your movements while you are away.出门在外务必把你的活动全告诉我。Check the accuracy of everything in your CV.请核对简历中的每个细节,务必准确无误。Make sure that the rails are securely bolted in place.务必确保栏杆都固定住了。




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