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词汇 加斯科因
例句 The tournament proved to be Gascoigne's finest hour.此次锦标赛成为加斯科因的事业高峰。We don't know if Gascoigne will be fit to play in Saturday's game, but we're all hopeful.我们不知道加斯科因是否适合在星期六的比赛中上场,但大家都对此抱有希望。Gascoigne was back in the UK, to play in the England v France match.加斯科因回到英国,参加英格兰队对法国队的比赛。Gascoigne almost scored in the opening minute.加斯科因在开场第一分钟就差点儿进球得分。England soccer star Paul Gascoigne was signed up by a top Italian club.英格兰足球明星保罗·加斯科因已签约加盟意大利一家顶级俱乐部。When it comes to natural footballing ability, Gascoigne is exceptional.说到踢足球的天赋,加斯科因出类拔萃。Gascoigne has been dropped from Saturday's line-up because of injury.加斯科因由于受伤退出了周六的比赛。




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