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词汇 加固
例句 The wooden beam is reinforced with a metal plate.木梁用金属板加固了。The tribunal has found that these buildings have to be strengthened as soon as practicable.审理委员裁定,在实际可行时应对这些建筑进行加固The pillars have been specially strengthened in order to carry the weight of the new ceiling.为了承受新的天花板的重量,这些柱子都特别加固了。The city was negligent in not shoring up the walls.市政府疏于维护,没有用柱子对那些墙壁进行加固The door was secured with an iron bar.门上有一根铁闩加固The canvas bag had ripped because I had not thought of reinforcing it.帆布袋裂开了,因为我没有想到把它加固一下。There are reinforcement bars on all doors.所有的门上都有钢筋条加固The bridge needs some structural reinforcement.这座桥需要进行结构加固The bridge is in need of reinforcement.这座桥需要加固The walls were strengthened with steel rods.这些墙用钢筋加固了。The crate was secured with a strong chain.货箱用一条很结实的链条加固The explosion caused superficial damage to the fortified house.这次爆炸只对这所加固过的房屋造成了轻微破坏。The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.绍森德的海堤正在用大量的水泥加固The door was built of oak, heavily reinforced with iron.这道门用橡木制成,用铁牢牢加固The launching pad was reinforced to withstand tremendous shock.发射台经加固以承受巨大冲力。Undersea tunnels are dangerous until they are stabilized and lined, but once completed, they are safe as houses.海底隧道在没有砌好并加固前是有危险的,但是一旦完工,就十分安全。Helicopters dumped sand on the dikes to strengthen them.直升机将沙子倾倒在堤坝上对其进行加固Metal supports were added to strengthen the outer walls.增加了金属支架以加固外墙。He braced the gate with a piece of wood.他用一块木头加固大门。They had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.他们不得不用外部梁木来加固墙体。The ship's decks will have to be strengthened to carry the extra weight.船上的甲板必须加固,使它可以承受更多的重量。Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.最终,他们不得不通过增加外梁来对墙体进行加固This plywood addition helps to strengthen the structure.多层胶合板有助于加固结构。The tank is reinforced to prevent breaks and leaks.储液罐已加固以防破裂或泄漏。The walls are reinforced with steel rods.这些墙是用钢筋加固的。The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber.施工人员将不得不另外用木料加固现有的托梁。The harbour walls need urgent reinforcement.海港堤坝急需加固They fortified the dam against the flood.他们加固了堤坝以防洪水。A surveyor said that the problems were caused by subsidence and the house needed to be underpinned.一名勘测员说是地面下陷导致了这些问题出现,房子需要加固地基。The windows have steel reinforcement.窗户用钢筋进行了加固Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.墙的上部加了大梁以加固这个中世纪的雕花穹顶。He mounded the grave.他填土加固了这座坟。Workers will be reinforcing supports under the bridge.工人们将对桥梁的支座进行加固They are building up defences along the river.他们正在加固沿河的防御工事。The levees will need to be reinforced.防洪堤需要加固The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the ground.地基必须进行加固以防房屋继续下陷。We were able to batten down the house just before the storm hit.我们在暴风雨来袭前加固了房子。The belt is sinewed with steel cables.这带子中间穿有加固钢丝。This roof needs some reenforcement.这屋顶需要加固The bridge will need to be strengthened.这座桥需要加固




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