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We have our native inborn talent, yet we hardly use it.我们拥有与生俱来的才能,但几乎不加利用。Use the transferable skills acquired from your previous working background…先前工作中学到的技能能为现在所用的就多加利用。The company pounced on the news that their rivals were in difficulty.公司抓住竞争对手正处于困境这一消息大加利用。Part of Mrs Galley's right arm was shattered and she underwent a five-hour emergency operation.加利夫人右臂部分粉碎了,她接受了五个小时的急诊手术。Dr Boutros Ghali said the operation would overstretch resources.布特罗斯·加利博士说这一行动没有足够的资源支持。 |