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You'd be wise to pay more attention.你应该要加倍注意。The measures will enable us to double our output of bicycles.这些措施能使我们的自行车产量加倍。A promise was given to double the number of police on duty.已有承诺要将执勤的警察人数加倍。We did the test again because we wanted to be doubly sure the results were accurate.我们又做了一次试验,因为我们想要加倍肯定结果准确无误。You should give much more attention to your lessons.你该加倍注意你的功课。 It's doubly distressing when you see sb who had such a good upbringing go to the bad.看到有的人教养很好却走向堕落,会觉得令人加倍难过。In the courtroom everybody went into overdrive, assuming that there might well be a verdict soon.法庭里,人人都加倍紧张地行动起来,认为马上就要作出裁定了。The applause redoubled.掌声加倍热烈。The walls should be duplicated.墙壁应该加倍筑厚。He had to work twice as hard as the other children to make up for his lack of natural ability.他天资不足,所以不得不比其他孩子加倍地努力来加以弥补。Smoking doubles the risk of having a stroke.抽烟使中风的风险加倍。First-class tickets cost double.头等舱机票的价格加倍。To make doubly sure they would not be disturbed she turned the key in the lock.为加倍确保他们不受干扰,她用钥匙开了门。I redoubled my efforts to open her eyes to reality.我加倍地努力,想让她认清现实。Seeing other families together made him terribly homesick.看到别的家庭共享天伦,他加倍思念故乡。I'll take great care of it.我会加倍爱惜它的。He'll be double his pay with this new job.有了这份新工作,他的工资将加倍。He suggested doubling the criminal sentences for company executives.他建议对公司高管的刑事判决刑期加倍。The last question on the exam counts double. 考试最后一题得分加倍。I will take care that my obligations to you shall be amply repaid.我一定会加倍报答您对我的恩惠。The merger is a marriage designed to double spending.合并是旨在使开支加倍的联合。Has anyone ever paid a higher penance for telling a lie?有人为说谎而加倍补赎过吗?South doubles for a take-out and West redoubles.南家叫了技术性加倍,西家以再加倍应答。 |