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His modest wartime exploits have been inflated to heroic proportions.他在战争期间的功绩平平,却被吹捧到大智大勇的程度。They did not give him credit for his work until after he died.他们在他死后才对他的功绩加以表扬。Her exploits have been getting a lot of ink lately. 近来,报纸上对她的功绩有很多报道。The emperor's achievements were glorified in numerous poems.大量的诗歌颂扬这位皇帝的功绩。The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.政府为他颁赠勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。His rank was based solely on merit.他的军衔完全是基于他的功绩。He cited the fall in unemployment as one of the government's successes.他举出失业人数下降作为政府的一项功绩。This is not the first time his exploits have landed him in trouble.他的功绩给他带来麻烦已不是第一次了。 |