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词汇 功效
例句 The cleaning fluid worked like a charm on the carpet stain.这种清洁液功效神奇,地毯污渍立马消失了。It is said that the spring water has medicinal properties.据说这泉水有医疗功效Some herbs help you sleep while others have the opposite effect. 有些草药能帮助入睡,但有些草药的功效却正好相反。The efficacy of aspirin in relieving headaches is well known.阿司匹林治头痛的功效是众所周知的。Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.古老文明相信新鲜空气和阳光有治病的功效Thyme tea can be used by adults for its antiseptic qualities.百里香茶的杀菌功效可用于成人。He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.他同时也对大蒜的医学功效深信不疑。The engine is tuned to peak efficiency.发动机调到最高功效了。Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness.它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium.这些化学物质可以调节钾的功效Almond oil is renowned for its soothing, emollient properties.杏仁油以其缓解疼痛和滋润皮肤的功效而出名。Acupuncture has a harmonizing and energizing effect on mind and body.针灸具有协调和激活身心机能的功效According to local lore, the water has healing properties.根据当地的传说,这种水有治病的功效Ginseng is generally known for its tonic properties.人参以其滋补功效而广为人知。Caffeine is known to have a diuretic effect.众所周知,咖啡因有利尿功效Finally, apply Time Defiance Nighttime Renewal Creme or Lotion according to your skin type.最后依皮肤类别,使用特效滋养的晚间更新乳液或乳霜,以发挥最佳的功效Most pre-prepared weight loss products are next to useless.大多数预制减肥产品几乎都没有什么功效Extravagant claims have been made for some herbal remedies including the curing of baldness.一些草药的功效被说得太夸张了,说什么能治疗脱发的。The power of red wine to counteract high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press.红酒降低胆固醇的功效被媒体夸大了。The drug's utility in preventing long-term disability is unproven.该药在预防长期失能方面的功效尚未被证实。This double-action lotion soothes your skin and enriches your tan.这种具有双重功效的涂剂既能呵护皮肤还能加深晒成的棕褐色。The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency.这家矿泉疗养浴场极尽奢华,功效极高。Scientists are exploring the potentials of the new drug.科学家正在探索新药的潜在功效They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.他们最近进行了一系列的试验来检测这种药的功效One needs to be a first-class driver to get the best out of that sort of machinery.只有一流的司机才能让那种机器发挥出最大的功效The lotion moisturizes while it cleanses.这种乳液兼具清洁和滋润的双重功效The drug has been shown to relieve angina.这种药物显示出缓解心绞痛的功效The lotion moisturizes while it cleanses.这种乳液具有清洁和润肤的功效Matron has some marvellous liniment.马特伦有一些功效神奇的搽剂。The water is said to have healing properties.那水据说具有治疗功效The efficacy of this treatment has not yet been proved.这种疗法的功效尚未得到证实。




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