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词汇 功夫
例句 He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。My next boyfriend was a reliable person, but not very good in bed.我的后一任男友很可靠,但是床上功夫不太好。I put a lot of work into the speech.我为这次演讲下了不少功夫The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。It was all over in a relatively short space of time.没一会儿功夫,一切就都结束了。I bet she's great in the sack.我敢打赌她床上功夫一流。The kung-fu master gave a loud bellow and attacked his opponent.功夫大师大吼一声,向对手发起攻击。He devoured the food in the blink of an eye.一眨眼功夫他把食物全吞下肚了。Chinese Kungfu is a unique material culture heritage.中国功夫是独特的物质文化遗产。Rex had no time for her dramatics, and left the room.雷克斯没功夫去理睬她的装腔作势,离开了房间。Mary is an appalling cook.玛丽的烹饪功夫实在蹩脚。Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away.一眨眼的功夫,她已经跳上汽车开走了。I got better things to do than ram around with you.我有其他正事要做,可没闲功夫同你四处乱闯。After a while she reached the saturation point and could absorb nothing more from the lectures.她一会儿功夫就达到了饱和点,便再也不能从讲课中吸收更多的信息了。A kung fu suit should be loose-fitting, with buttons and a high collar.功夫服应该做得宽松,带扣子,有高领。Drake passed the months in costing an expedition that never sailed.德拉克花了几个月的功夫估算一次远洋航行的成本,但结果并未真正成行。Young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.年轻的母亲们趁着孩子在她们膝上打盹儿的功夫织布。In a few minutes people in the square multiplied into thousands.只几分钟功夫,广场上的人就增加到几千。Her written work is excellent but her practical work is only fair.她的笔头功夫极佳,但实际动手能力却只是一般。Few people expend time and effort to monitor and assess the value of their promotional efforts.很少有人会花时间和精力去监督和评估他们在促销上下的功夫发挥了多少价值。Good workmanship requires long practice.艺高还须功夫深。Civility is not a nicety. It goes to the heart of what relations between human beings should be.礼貌不是表面功夫。它触及人与人应该如何相处这个问题的核心。Bad salesmanship was responsible for the party's defeat in the election.该党在选举中的败北应归咎于宣传功夫太差。She had to work very hard to overcome her shyness.她极其害羞,得下大功夫才能克服。We soon found that our daughter Iona had done some swotting anyway.我们很快就发现我们的女儿艾奥娜至少还是下了一点功夫的。A lot of effort has been put into the book's get-up.这本书的制作装订耗费了很多功夫His efforts were to no avail.他的功夫白费了。His life was on a razor edge for days.好几天功夫他的生命都处在垂危状态中。She made an effort to keep up with the news.她下了一番功夫以掌握最新消息。When he starts taking lessons in kung fu, he's not just whistling Dixie.他一旦开始学习中国功夫,可就不只是闹着玩玩的了。He started from nowhere and became a leading politician in a few years.他从无名小卒脱颖而出,没有几年功夫成了一位重要的政界人物。I had a little trouble finding the place.我费了点功夫才找到这个地方。You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it.除非你下点功夫,否则你将永远打不好网球。Kung fu and karate are martial arts.功夫和空手道都属于武术。The walk is difficult but well worth the effort.这段路是难走点儿,但是值得费这功夫He decides to study kung fu.他决定学习中国功夫It should be remembered that a lot of work went into this event.不要忘了,这个活动花了不少功夫呢。When I was a kid. I was crazy about judo, karate, kung fu, and all that.我小时候非常喜欢柔道、空手道、功夫之类的东西。The humour of it takes some finding.其中的幽默需花些功夫体味才行。She used a mixture of persuasion and flattery to get what she wanted.她施展劝说加奉承的功夫获得自己想要的东西。




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