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词汇 advancement
例句 He is being considered for advancement.他的晋升事宜正在考虑之中。She's chosen career advancement instead of having children - does that make her a liberated woman?她没有去生儿育女,而是选择了走职业道路——她这样做是否就成了一位思想解放的女性?Technological advancement depends on the rapid assimilation of new ideas.技术的进步有赖于迅速吸收新思想。Our new policies are designed to break down artificial barriers to women's advancement.我们的新政策是要打破对女性晋升人为设置的障碍。This new method is a great advancement over past techniques.这个新方法比起过去的技术有很大的改进。The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning.大学的目标应是促进学术。There are good opportunities for advancement within the company.公司里有良好的晋升机会。The program supports economic advancement in rural areas.这个方案支持农村地区的经济发展。His advancement to major came two years ago.他于两年前被提升为少校。That's the inevitable price indigenous people must pay for advancement.那是当地人为谋求发展所必须付出的无可避免的代价。She contributed greatly to the advancement of the new organization.她极大地促进了新机构的发展。They have been unable to slow the advancement of the enemy troops.他们无法减缓敌军行进的速度。Government lawyers were deemed unqualified for advancement.人们认为公职律师不符合晋升条件。All she was interested in was the advancement of her own career.她一心想的都是如何拓展自己的事业。Research and writing have become requisite for career advancement in academia.研究和论文是学术界职称晋升所必需的。There is plenty of opportunity for advancement within the company.在公司内部有很多晋升的机会。There is plenty of room for advancement within the company.在该公司内部有足够的晋升空间。A motor inside the camera is used for advancement of the film.相机里的发动机用于输送胶卷。None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement.我们谁都不应该低估女性在事业发展过程中所面临的困难程度。The new system leaves less opportunity for personal advancement.新制度留给个人的晋升机会更少了。He came here not for personal advancement, but to help improve the well-being of the people.他到这里来不是图个人升官发财,而是为造福人民出一份力。The advancement of concrete building techniques stole much of the market from the limestone industry.混凝土建筑技术的发展夺走了石灰工业的大片市场。He cared little for social advancement.他不太在意社会地位的提升。Many people are forced to move from one city to another in search of better jobs or career advancement.许多人为了得到更好的工作或提升,不得不从一个城市迁往另一个城市。He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party.他暗地里设法阻挠她在党内的晋升。The job offers many opportunities for professional advancement.这个工作为职业晋升提供了很多机会。His advancement to captain came last year.他去年晋升为上尉。Charles was able to use his family connection for his own personal advancement.查尔斯利用家族关系获得个人发展。




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