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词汇 剂量
例句 He had improved so much the doctor had cut his dosage.他康复很快,医生已减少了用药剂量She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets.她服用了双倍医嘱剂量的安眠药片。The doses I suggested for adults could be halved or quartered.我建议的成人剂量可能是减半或减至四分之一。He held up a hypodermic to check the dosage.他举起一个注射器查看剂量Each pill/tablet has the dosage necessary to reduce pain and swelling.每片药都含有镇痛和消肿所需的剂量Arsenic is extremely poisonous, and a little dose of it is sufficient to render a person dead.砒霜很毒,一点点剂量就能致人死亡。We are doing studies to see if we can give children enough vaccine in two doses.我们正在研究是否可分两次给儿童注射足够剂量的疫苗。There is no waste and no guess work with a machine that takes care of the exact dosing.用这种机器及不会浪费原料,你也不用取用测量仪去确定剂量They increased the dosage of the drug in small increments over a period of several weeks.他们在几周的时间内一点点地增加用药剂量The drug is available in several forms, and dosages vary accordingly.这种药有几种形态,服用剂量也相应不同。Some will say that it is the mixture as before, but in larger and more frequent doses.有些人会说那是换汤不换药,仅剂量和次数有所增加而已。Do not exceed the stated dose.不要超出规定剂量Some patients may benefit from a larger dosage of this medication.增大这种药的剂量可能会对一些病人有好处。Do not exceed the recommended dosage. 不要超过建议药剂量I've been taking the same dose for five years.五年来我一直服用相同的剂量The substance is so toxic that even a minute dose of it could be fatal.这种物质毒性很强,即使是极少的剂量也会致命。Take only the recommended dose of cough syrup.仅按照建议剂量服用止咳糖浆。The dosage may need adjustment to suit the individual.剂量也许要因人而进行调整。If a flare-up occurs, increase the dose to the previous level.如果病情复发,就把用药剂量增加到先前的水平。The subjects were given quadruple the normal dosage of the drug.让实验对象服用了四倍于正常剂量的药物。In the usual doses, paraldehyde does not produce severe side effects.服用通常剂量的三聚乙醛一般不会产生严重副作用。People who are hypersensitive to the chemical may have violent reactions even to small amounts.对这种化学物质过敏的人即使很小的剂量也可能会有十分强烈的反应。The nurse will administer the correct dose.护士会按正确的剂量给药。His doctor increased the dosage but did not change to a different medication.他的医生加大了剂量,不过没有换药。Once the dose has been increased, the fact that the patient still has symptoms is virtually never taken as an indication to reduce it.一旦剂量加大,即便患者症状仍未消失,也几乎不可能因此减少剂量You must take it in small doses.你服用这药时剂量一定要小。The accepted practice is to put diabetics on high doses of insulin.习惯做法是为糖尿病患者注射高剂量的胰岛素。Always take the correct dosage.一定要用正确的剂量The drug is lethal even in small doses.这种药物即使剂量很小也会致命。Asthma drugs are not addictive and you don't need to keep increasing the dose. If anything, the reverse is true.哮喘药物不会造成药物依赖,你不用持续增大剂量。甚至正相反,减小剂量才对。She needs to be given a daily dose of the medicine.这种药她需要每天用一定的剂量




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