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词汇 别忘了
例句 Don't forget to douse the lights before coming to bed.睡觉前别忘了熄灯。Don't forget to write your name at the top of the test before you turn it in.交卷之前别忘了把自己的姓名写在试卷的上端。Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.别忘了,这东西具有腐蚀性;戴上手套或用勺子。Don't forget that you have to turn off the light when you leave.别忘了走的时候一定要关灯。But don't forget that you have to pay interest on the loan.可是别忘了你还得支付贷款的利息。Don't forget to mail that letter, will you?别忘了寄那封信,好吗?Don't forget to tip the driver.别忘了给司机小费。Don't forget that my mother's coming to visit this weekend.别忘了我妈妈这个周末要来作客。Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well.别忘了她年龄那么小,我认为她做得很棒。Don't forget to lock the garage door.别忘了把车库的门锁上。It's Mother's birthday today. Don't forget to wish her many happy returns.今天是母亲的生日,别忘了祝愿她福寿绵绵。Don't forget to switch the lights off when you go out.出去时别忘了关灯。Don't forget to water the flowers.别忘了给花浇水。Remember to focus the picture before taking the photograph.别忘了在拍摄前要对好焦距使图像清晰。Don't forget to shut the gate when you leave.离开时别忘了关上大门。Do not forget your promise.别忘了你的承诺。Don't forget to write and thank them.别忘了写信感谢他们。Once you have chosen a kennel, don't forget to make a booking for your pet.一旦你选好了养狗场,别忘了为你的宠物预订。Don't forget, the plants need watering once a week.别忘了,这些植物每周要浇一次水。If there is going to be a volleyball team, please don't forget to add me in.要是成立排球队,请别忘了算我在内。I hope she doesn't forget to water the plants.我希望她别忘了给植物浇水。She's a talented singer and, lest we forget, a fine musician as well. 她是有才华的歌手,还有,别忘了,她也是优秀的音乐家。Don't forget to put down milk and bread on the shopping list.别忘了在购物单里加上牛奶和面包。Don't forget to put the rubbish out before you go to bed.上床睡觉前别忘了把垃圾拿出去放进垃圾筒。Don't forget to lock the door when you go out.出去时别忘了锁门。You'll have to pay for the packaging and transportation costs, not forgetting airport taxes.你得支付包装和运输费,别忘了还有机场税。Remember to paragraph your text.别忘了将文字分段。Don't forget to send in your application.别忘了送交你的申请书。When you are finished with typing, remember to save your document.完成键入后,别忘了保存文档。Don't forget to take your camera.别忘了带上相机。Don't forget to follow through when you putt.击球后别忘了做随球动作。Don't forget to turn the lights off when you leave.你走的时候别忘了关灯。Don't let me forget my purse.提醒我别忘了带上钱包。Don't forget to rinse out your swimsuit.别忘了把你的泳衣冲洗一下。Remember to set the video to record the film.别忘了把录像机设定好录下这部影片。Don't forget, belt up before you drive off.别忘了开车前系好安全带。Don't forget to take your keys.别忘了带钥匙。Be sure to outen the light when you go to bed.上床睡觉时别忘了关灯。Don't forget to say your prayers before you go to sleep.睡觉前别忘了祷告。Don't forget to carry your passport about with you.别忘了把护照带在身边。




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