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词汇 别以为
例句 Don't assume that all languages are accurately intertranslatable.别以为所有语言文字都可以准确地进行互译。Don't think I'm romancing. These things happen.别以为我在胡诌。 这些事硬是会发生的。Don't bother looking for me anytime too soon.别以为我很快就会到。Don't imagine that you'll be able to go skiing at the weekends.别以为你们周末就可以去滑雪了。Don't accept everything you see on TV as true.别以为在电视上看到的东西都是真实的。Don't run away with the idea that this is the end of the matter!别以为这事就这么了结了!Don't be such a smarty-pants. 别以为你无所不知。I've got your number – don't think you can fool me.我已经看透你了,别以为你能骗得了我。Don't go away with the idea that you don't have to pay for it.别以为你不必付出代价。Don't think you can salve your consciences by giving us money. We won't forgive you that easily.别以为给我们钱你的良心就能安宁了,我们不会那么轻易就原谅你的。




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