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词汇 利兹
例句 I look forward to the post-match analysis of the Leeds match. 我期待着对利兹这场比赛的赛后分析。Barry held the bowls while Liz ladled soup into them.巴里负责端着碗,由利兹向碗里盛汤。He was awarded a place at Leeds University.他被利兹大学录取了。The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker.利兹·沃克熟练地操纵着木偶。Liz laughed again, got up from the water and began to dry herself.利兹又笑了,从水里站起来开始擦干身上的水。Leeds kept quiet, stuck to their game plan, and quietly racked up the points.利兹队不声不响,坚持自己的战术,得分不知不觉地增加了。Liz Taylor has survived several broken marriages, as well as periods of drug and alcohol addiction.利兹·泰勒经历了好几次失败的婚姻,又多次吸毒、酗酒,但都挺过来了。Liz laughed, stretching luxuriously.利兹笑了起来,一边还舒畅地伸了个懒腰。Liz and I have known one another for years.我和利兹相识好多年了。Leeds Prison is reported to have almost double the number of prisoners it's designed to accommodate.据报道利兹监狱里犯人的数量几乎已达该监狱设计可容纳人数的两倍了。I don't rate your chances of getting a ticket for the Leeds game.我看你是买不到利兹队球赛的门票的。He won first prize at the Leeds Piano Competition.他在利兹国际钢琴比赛中荣获一等奖。He was dining with friends at the Ritz.他在利兹饭店和朋友一起进餐。Leeds fans howled in anguish as Arsenal scored another goal.阿森纳队又踢进一球,利兹队的球迷痛苦地嚎叫了起来。Liz was indignant at the way her child had been treated.利兹对自己的孩子受到的待遇非常气愤。He is currently under lock and key at Eastmoor secure unit in Leeds.他目前被关押在利兹的伊斯特莫尔隔离牢房。Liz's parents feel she isn't old enough to leave home.利兹的父母觉得她年纪尚小,还不能离开家。After a good start to the season, Chelsea came a cropper at Leeds.切尔西队在本赛季有了良好开端以后,却在利兹队那里栽了跟头。How did you like it when you lived in Leeds?你住在利兹时感觉怎么样?Liz Davies took the issue to the party but was roundly defeated.利兹·戴维斯向政党提出了这个问题,但被断然否决了。He was offered a lectureship at Leeds University.利兹大学拟聘他为讲师。Liz's face was burning.利兹的脸红得发烫。She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds.她目前在利兹大学修读一门商科课程。Leeds kept quiet, stuck to their game plan and quietly racked up the points.利兹队毫不张扬,坚持自己的战术,不知不觉中得分在增加。Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug.利兹市的朗德海公园是我首次对钓鱼着迷的地方。Liz sat down on the bed, lowering herself carefully so as not to crease her skirt.利兹小心翼翼地在床上坐下,生怕把裙子弄皱。The twinning of Leeds and St Mary was formalised at a function held last week.在上周举行的典礼上,利兹市与圣玛丽市正式缔结为姐妹城市。Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.利兹调好了后视镜,慢慢把车开出停车位。Liz saw their eyes meet fondly across the table.利兹看到他们隔着桌子深情对视。Liz was to spend this first day roving across the area.到这儿的第一天,利兹打算四处逛逛。Passengers for York change at Leeds.去约克的乘客在利兹换车。Leeds will have to win the second leg if they are to go forward to the finals.利兹队若要进入决赛,第二场比赛一定要赢。Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat.利兹本想当个笑话讲,但没讲好。They lost what was regarded as the championship decider at Leeds.他们在利兹输掉了被视为冠军争夺战的比赛。I have a telephone interview for BBC Radio Leeds.我要为英国广播公司利兹电台做一次电话采访。I asked about train times to Leeds.我问了开往利兹列车的开行时刻。She held the post of deputy head teacher at a school in Leeds.她在利兹的一所学校任副校长。Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday.利兹城堡会成为下周六焰火表演的绝好背景。Liz turned on a radio to mask the noise.利兹打开收音机来盖过杂声。She has been granted tenure at Leeds University.她已被授予利兹大学的终身职位。




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