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词汇 创造性
例句 Try to think more creatively.尽量更多地去创造性思考。There is a disappointing poverty of creativity in their work.他们的工作缺乏创造性,令人失望。New, inventive approaches to one-upmanship must be contrived.必须想出一些新的创造性的取胜方法。How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?People's creativity is breaking loose.人们的创造性正迸发出来。Tarantino is one of Hollywood's most creative directors.塔伦蒂诺是好莱坞最具创造性的导演之一。Keen competition in the arts, crafts and trade made the Greeks an inventive and resourceful people.在艺术、手工艺和贸易中的剧烈竞争使古希腊人富于创造性,善于变通。I have no creative input to the projects I work on.对于所从事的那些项目我没有创造性的贡献。With a little imagination you can make the most basic cloth into something really special.发挥一点创造性,你就能把最普通的布料做成真正有特色的东西。She wondered whether her middle-aged brain was too hardened into its old patterns to be able to think originally any more.她在想,人到中年的自己头脑是否已变得太僵化,无法进行创造性思考了。Leonardo da Vinci's drawings show an immensely inventive and inquiring mind.莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的画显示出他极富创造性与探索精神的心智。Dance is a form of artistic/creative expression.舞蹈是一种艺术/创造性的表达形式。Creative, two-way learning between teacher and pupil can take place.教师和学生之间创造性的双向学习是可以实现的。It inspired me to be more inventive with my own cooking.它激发我在自己烹饪时更富创造性Our children's creativity is being beaten down by the conformist educational system.我们孩子的创造性正受到守旧的教育体系的压制。Critics of the school system contend that not enough emphasis is placed on creativity.学校制度的批评者认为创造性没有加以足够的强调。He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.他是他那代人当中最富创造性与革新精神的工程师之一。Power can be used creatively or destructively.权力可以得到创造性的运用,也可以带来毁灭性的结果。This exercise encourages creativity in the use of language.这个练习促进对语言的创造性运用。A discoverable website helps learners follow their creativity rather than a prescribed path.可搜索网站帮助学习者遵循自己的创造性而不是预先设定好的路径。Too many regulations cramp creativity.过多的规章制度会束缚创造性Creative activity serves as an effective antidote to depression.创造性的活动是消除抑郁的有效手段。She suggested a number of creative solutions to the housing crisis.针对住房危机,她提出了诸多创造性的解决办法。The ice-skaters will be judged on technique and creativity.滑冰运动员的评分依据是技巧和创造性The child has a very creative imagination.这小孩有非常丰富的创造性想象力。Though officially retired, she remains the creative force behind the design business.虽然已正式退休,她仍然是设计界的创造性力量。The company encourages creativeness of its employees.该公司鼓励员工们的创造性Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.灵活变通是创造性管理的基本特质。They wanted to be seen as equal partners in the creative relationship.他们希望在他们创造性的关系中被视为平等的合作伙伴。Tibet is thrusting forward with a release of energy and initiative in those who were formerly terribly oppressed.西藏正在突飞猛进,那些从前受到残酷压迫的人们正发挥着力量和创造性Computers are incapable of creative thought.计算机没有创造性思维能力。He teaches a course in creative writing.他教创造性写作这门课程。The job wasn't challenging enough for me - I wanted something more creative.这份工作对我来讲缺乏挑战性,我想干些更富创造性的事。




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