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词汇 创造力
例句 He is gloriously talented, endlessly inventive.他极富才华,且创造力无穷。Creativity is a human trait.创造力是人类的一种特性。The garden was my father's pride and joy, the real expression of his creativity.那个小花园是我父亲的快乐和骄傲,真正表现了他的创造力Her originality and inventiveness had always set her apart.她的创造力和别出心裁使她总是与众不同。It was his way of expressing his creativity.这是他自己表达创造力的方式。It is a well known fact that a negative working environment discourages creativity.不良的工作环境抑制人的创造力,这是人所共知的事实。I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。It's a job that needs someone with a bit of imagination.做这项工作需要有一点儿创造力Like so many creative people he was never satisfied.像许多富于创造力的人一样,他从不满足。A cluttered desk is a sign of a creative mind.桌子凌乱是创造力的表现。This class will unlock your creativity.这门课程将开启你的创造力She has a very original and creative mind.她非常富有创造力We're looking for young people with enterprise and creativity.我们在寻找有事业心和创造力的年轻人。He is an artist with seemingly unlimited creativity.他是一位仿佛有着无限创造力的艺术家。This concurs with the view that free will and creativity are closely related.这印证了自由意志与创造力紧密相关的观点。There is a lack of creative energy in the industry.这个行业缺乏创造力This rigid approach stifles creativity.这种僵化的方法扼杀创造力With such powers of invention he should get a job easily.创造力这么强,应该很容易找到工作。I admire her creativeness. 我很欣赏她的创造力She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas.她极富创造力,总会想出新点子。Most people are creative in one way or another.大多数人都具有某方面的创造力An author must have rich invention to think up new ideas for stories.作家必须具有丰富的创造力,才能为故事构思出新意。Becoming your own person releases your creativity.保持自己的本色才有助于发挥自身创造力Creativity was once considered the province of a chosen few.创造力一度被认为是少数人独有的才华。The essence of the workshops is to enable the participant to tap into their own creativity.研讨班的主旨就是使参加者充分发挥他们自己的创造力Her most recent plays seem to lack inspiration. 她的最新剧作似乎缺乏创造力Teachers should nurture their students' creativity.教师应该培养学生的创造力Art provides a channel for creativity.艺术是表现创造力的一种方式。Crick soon established himself as a scientist of great insight and creativity.克里克很快就成为一名极具洞察力和创造力的科学家。Generations of readers have delighted in his wonderful powers of invention.一代又一代的读者都喜欢他非同寻常的创造力The classroom should be a place where creativity can take root and flourish.课堂应该成为能培养并充分发挥创造力的地方。Some people experience bursts of energy and creativity in the spring.有些人在春天感觉到精力和创造力的涌动。Miro is the most inventive and entertaining of surrealist painters.米罗是最具创造力和娱乐性的超现实主义画家。These figures are some of the most inventive of all African tribal sculptures.这些雕像是所有非洲部落雕塑中最富于创造力的几件。The children are expressing themselves in play.孩子们在游戏中表露自己的创造力His fascinating characters are the products of a fertile imagination.他笔下那些具有魅力的人物,是丰富的创造力的产物。Art provides a channel for the children's creativity.艺术是儿童发挥创造力的一种方式。Regulations on children stifled creativity.给孩子们定的各种规矩扼杀了他们的创造力The students' creativity was brought/called/put into play on this last assignment. 在最后这次作业中,学生们的创造力得到了发挥。There is limited scope for creativity in my job.我的工作发挥创造力的空间有限。




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