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词汇 刚要
例句 He was about to lose his temper but checked himself in time.刚要发火,不过又及时克制住了。The telephone rang even as he was going out.刚要外出,电话铃响了。I was just drifting off when the phone rang.我迷迷糊糊地刚要入睡,电话铃响了。I started to say something but she interrupted me.刚要说话,就被她打断了。I was just getting comfortable when the phone rang.刚要放松一下,电话就响了。I was just going to say that.刚要说那件事。She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.她流感刚要好,又得了胃病。I grabbed at the glass just before it fell.杯子刚要掉下我就伸手抓住了。I was about to get undressed when there was a knock on the door.刚要脱衣服时有人敲门。When I try to explain how I feel he just flies into a temper.刚要解释我心里是怎么想的,他就勃然大怒。Sarah had almost nodded off when Victor suddenly spoke.萨拉刚要打瞌睡,维克托突然开口说话了。People in the crowd were booing and heckling as she tried to speak.刚要演讲,人群中就传来一片嘘声和起哄声。Just as we were leaving home it started to rain.我们刚要出门就开始下雨了。He came in right at the fag end of the meeting.会议刚要结束时他进来了。I was going to sleep and at that very instant the telephone rang.刚要入睡,就在那时电话铃响了。I was just drifting off when the door slammed.刚要入睡,突然听到砰的一声门响。The referee's whistle went just before the ball crossed the line.刚要过线,裁判的哨子就响了。There was a long pause, and she was about to put the phone down when the voice came back again.有一段长时间的停顿,她刚要放下听筒,声音又从里面传来。I was just going round to see Lindsey about babysitting.刚要去琳赛家谈照看孩子的事情。He was on the point of saying something when the phone rang.刚要开口说些什么,电话响了。I was going to say something but he beat me to it.刚要开口说几句,却被他抢先说了。Immediately, Daniel cut in on Joanne's attempts at reassurance.乔安妮刚要作保证,丹尼尔就把她打断了。She called just as we were sitting down to eat.我们刚要坐下吃饭,她就打来了电话。Pam dashed into the store just as it was closing.商店刚要关门的那一刻帕姆冲了进去。Donovan was about to give a brash answer when he caught himself.多诺万刚要脱口而出,突然意识到自己的回答很轻率,就住了嘴。He was just starting to argue when her scream brought him up short.刚要开口争辩,就被她的尖叫声给镇住了。Aunt Lou shot a warning glance at father just as he was about to speak.爸爸刚要说话,卢姨妈就向他投以警告性的目光。The family left France just before the war.这家人在战争刚要爆发之前离开了法国。




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