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词汇 business world
例句 His wide experience of the business world proved invaluable to us.他丰富的商界经验证明对我们是非常宝贵的。The business world was shaken by the huge drop in dotcom shares.商界因互联网公司股票价格猛跌而受到震动。If women want to take on the business world they are welcome to it as far as I'm concerned.就我而言,如果女人们想进军商界的话,就让她们去好了。The author points to recent cases of fraud as evidence of the lack of morals in the business world.作者以最近发生的一些诈骗案作为证据指出商界的道德缺失。Her shyness makes her a bit of an oddity in the business world.她很腼腆,这在商界让人觉得她有些古怪。The ousting of his predecessor was one of the most dramatic coups the business world had seen in years.将他的前任扳倒是商界多年以来最富戏剧性的一场胜利。In the business world, remember: the early bird gets the worm.身在商业界,切记:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。He is reputably established in the business world.他在商界名声很好。There is no magic formula for achieving success in the business world.在商界取得成功是没有神奇妙方的。He is a big name in the business world. 他是商界名人。It's hard to succeed in the business world. It's a jungle out there.要在商界取得成功非常困难。那是个弱肉强食之地。She hoped that her college degree would put her on the fast track to success in the business world. 她希望她的大学文凭会帮助她在商界迅速成功。The business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems.商界继续对世界环境问题轻描淡写。He was a dynamic personality in the business world.他在生意场上是个充满活力的人。Women have to be more ambitious than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.女性若要在商场上有所成就,就得比男人有更大的雄心。The business world is responding to changes in technology. 商业界正在对技术领域的变革做出反应。He felt that his lack of formal education put/placed him at a disadvantage in the business world.他感到缺乏正规教育使他在商业领域中处于不利地位。It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems.商界一直不重视世界环境问题,总让我惊讶不已。He has become a name to conjure with in the business world.他已成为商界巨头。Jaffrii is now one of the richest and most successful men in the business world.贾弗里现在是商界最富有、最成功的人士之一。The business world is a duller place for his passing.他的逝世给商界蒙上了一层灰暗。There were many bankruptcies in the business world last year.去年商界发生了多起破产事件。Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.商界中刚起步的小企业非常脆弱。The company commands much power and influence in the business world.这家公司在商界拥有强大的势力和影响力。Our goal is to prepare students to go into the business world with confidence.我们的目标是让学生做好准备,满怀信心地进入商界。In the business world, it's survival of the fittest.在商界,唯适者得以生存。You have to be tough to succeed in the business world. There's no room for sentiment.在商界你必须铁石心肠才能成功。绝对不能心软。The invention of the computer has revolutionized the business world.计算机的发明使商界发生了根本变化。She found the business world very different from academia.她发现商界和学术界差异非常大。Students are encouraged to learn standard English because this is what they will need to know in the business world.学生被鼓励学习标准英语,因为标准英语是他们进入商界所需要掌握的。




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