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词汇 分辨
例句 My aunt still has some vision in her left eye - she can make out colours and shapes.我姨妈左眼还有一点视力—还能分辨颜色和形状。He was able to recognize the note of the willow warbler.他能分辨出柳莺的叫声。She could not tell if he was being ironic.她不能分辨他是否在挖苦人。Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.就连年龄最小的婴儿也能根据声音分辨出自己的妈妈。I tried to identify her perfume.我试图分辨出她用哪种香水。Only an expert would know the difference between the male and the female.只有专家才能分辨这种动物的雌雄。I could just make out the shapes of animals in the field.我仅能分辨出田野里动物的轮廓。Johnson didn't seem to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong.约翰逊似乎不能分辨是非曲直。At this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects.这个年龄的儿童还不能分辨有生命和无生命的物体。This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't tell the difference.这种咖啡的价格差不多是那种的一半,而你根本分辨不出它们有什么不同。Colour-blind people can't distinguish between red and green.色盲的人不能分辨红色和绿色。He acts like he's my friend, but I can tell that he's just faking it.他表现得好像是我朋友,但我能分辨出来他是装的。You can always tell a true expert from a dilettante.真正的行家和半吊子总是能够分辨出来的。That was another myth swallowed whole by the Western media.那又是一则被西方传媒不加分辨照单全收的骗人鬼话。He calls them all Tommy, because he can't tell tother from which.他把他们都叫做汤米,因为他分辨不出谁是谁。In blind trials, users who were given both drugs orally were unable to distinguish between the effects of heroin and methadone.在盲测过程中,口服海洛因和美沙酮这两种药物的人分辨不出两者的效果。I can't tell who is who with their uniforms on.他们穿上制服后我分辨不出谁是谁。Completely shaved and wearing prison clothes, the two sisters were unrecognizable to each other.那两姐妹剃光了头穿着囚服,分辨不出谁是谁。Can you tell barley from wheat?你能分辨大麦和小麦吗? I can never tell natural silk from artificial.我不能分辨真丝和人造丝。Participants learn to identify different species by their calls.参与人员学习通过分析鸣叫声音来分辨不同的品种。Some experts can tell by smell alone what ingredients are in a dish.有些专家能够单凭嗅觉分辨出一道菜里的配料。She tried to separate what is factual from what is not.她尽力分辨出事实与假象。His untrained ear could not pick out the wrong notes.由于没经过练耳,他分辨不出错误的音符。They clued us in on how to detect forged hallmarks.他们给我们提供了分辨伪造纯度印记的有用知识。I couldn't tell if the tortoise was a he or a she.分辨不出这只龟是雄的还是雌的。




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