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词汇 分类
例句 The treasurer made a careful breakdown of income and expenses.司库对收入和支出作了一份缜密的细目分类The program did a numeric sort of the data.这个程序把数据根据数值分类排序。Please arrange the books according to size.请按大小将书分类Wines can be classified according to their sugar content - that is dry, medium or sweet.葡萄酒可以按其含糖量来分类,也就是分为干、半干和甜葡萄酒。The pieces were sorted by size and shape.零部件按大小和形状分类They defy accurate classification at present.这使目前的正确分类有困难。Eggs were grouped according to size.鸡蛋依大小分类Mike had worked out an elaborate system for categorizing his collection of CDs.迈克设计出一个复杂的系统来为自己收藏的光盘分类This test helps in typing the organism that causes the disease.这一试验有助于给导致这种疾病的微生物分类The packing shed is used for packing and sorting apples for shipment.包装库房用来将苹果打包、分类,以备装运。Nurses do triage in the emergency room.护士们在急诊室进行伤病者鉴别分类He has provided a useful summary of the main categories.他提供了一份关于主要分类的有用概要。The book classifies cheeses by similarities in flavour, rather than by ingredients.这本书把干酪按照口味上的相近之处分类,而不按成分分类A greater refinement of the categorization is possible.进行更加精细的分类是可能的。I studied the prisoners and began to type them. The political prisoners were usually quiet, studious.我仔细察看了犯人并开始把他们分类。政治犯通常是安静好学的。Their specific task is to sort through the reams of information and try to determine what it may mean.他们的具体任务就是将大量信息分类并努力弄清它们的意思。Adverbials may be classified according either to their function or to their position.状语可按其功能或位置分类This software lets you categorize your photographs in many different ways.这个软件可以把照片按不同方式进行分类The rate of breakdown of muscle protein was assessed.肌肉蛋白质的分类比率测定统计出来了。We group plants according to their light and heat tolerances.我们根据植物对光和热的耐受力对其进行分类The books were grouped by size.这些书是根据开本大小分类的。She sorted the information into orderly categories.她把信息有序分类She divided the shirts according to size.她根据尺码对衬衫进行分类The specimens have been classified and mounted.标本已分类并固定在标本架上。Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin.可以根据岩石的成因对其进行分类The magazines were sorted by age.这些杂志是按年代分类的。Shrimp are sized and selected for canning.虾按大小分类制成罐头。The job mainly consists of classifying evidence.这项工作主要是对证据进行分类Plants are classified in much the same way as animals.植物分类的方式和动物的分类方式差不多。Editors do not exercise control over large sections of their newspapers.编辑并不控制报纸的大分类版面。Sort the books according to their subject matter.按照主题把这些书分类The University Library is organized on a subject basis.大学图书馆是以学科为基础进行分类的。We are in the process of cataloguing the documents.我们正在对文件进行编目分类We categorize voters by their choice of newspaper.我们以选民对报纸的选择进行分类The eggs are graded according to size.这些鸡蛋是按大小分类的。The population is categorized according to age, sex, and social group.人口根据年龄、性别和社会群体进行了分类The vehicles are grouped according to engine size.这些车辆根据引擎的大小分类Joints are classified according to the amount of movement possible between the articulating surfaces.关节的分类是以关节活动度的大小为依据的。Birds are categorized by type in this field guide.这本野外指南按类型对鸟进行分类Eggs are classified by weight as Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Peewee.鸡蛋按重量分类成特大、大、中等、小和特小。




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