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词汇 刀片
例句 I adjusted the angle of the blade.我调整了刀片的角度。Many of these tools have sharp blades, so be careful.这些工具中很多都有锋利的刀片,务必小心。Most shredding machines are based on a revolving disc fitted with replaceable blades.大多数粉碎机都是基于一个装有可替换刀片的旋转圆盘来实现作业的。There had been a famine of razor blades for months past.前几个月剃刀刀片严重缺货。The blade sliced into her shoulder.刀片刺入她的肩膀。He shaved himself with a disposable razor.他用一次性刀片刮脸。He used a sharp blade to score the glass.他用锋利的刀片在玻璃上画记号。The blade cut deep into the wood.刀片深深地划进了木头里。Make sure your hands are completely clear of the blades.千万不要用手去碰那些刀片The blade gouged a deep wound in her leg.刀片在她腿上割了一道很深的伤口。To forge a blade takes great skill.锻制刀片需要高超的技巧。The knife blade nicked her ear and she bled profusely.刀片割到了她的耳朵,流了很多血。The blade should be replaced as soon as it dulls.刀片钝了就应该马上更换。The blade had been ground to a sharp edge.刀片磨得很锋利。The blade's so sharp it could slice through your finger.刀片锋利得很,一下就能割破你的手指。She slashed her wrists with a razor blade.她用一个剃刀刀片划破了手腕。This blade is too dull for sawing.刀片太钝了,锯不动。




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