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例句 He popped to the second baseman in the first inning.他在第一局击出了个小腾空球,飞向二垒手。Her shot landed at the left side of the fairway.击出的球落在了平坦球道的左边。He hit a grounder to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。He knocked in a run in the second inning with a double to left field.他在第二局击出一个左外野二垒打,并使跑垒员跑垒得分。He beat out a jazz rhythm on the drums.击出爵士乐节奏的鼓点。He grounded to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。He scored with a deflection off another player's stick.击出的球碰到另一名队员的球棍,改变方向人网得分。And that was a great shot by Márquez!那是马科斯击出的精彩好球!He flied out to left field. 击出一记高飞球,被左外野手接住杀出局。She pitched the ball up on to the green.击出高球把球打到球穴区。He hit a slice into the right rough.击出一记斜击球到右侧长草区。She blasted the ball over the fence for a home run.她用力把球击出围栏,打出了个本垒打。He took a hack at a high fastball and popped it up.他对准高快球挥棒一击,击出个小腾空球。To play this shot, you need to change your grip on the racquet slightly.击出这样的球,你需要稍微改变一下握球拍的方式。He hit a double in the eighth inning.他在第八局击出一记二垒打。His manager got angry because he failed to run out a grounder.击出滚地球后没能跑上一垒,教练因此大怒。He belted the ball right out of the ballpark.他一记猛打把球击出了棒球场。He hit a high pop-up that was caught by the shortstop.击出一个高高的小腾空球,被游击手接住了。A good clean hit from Pietersen sent the ball straight out to the boundary.皮特森干净利落的一击将球直接击出边界。She hit most of the winning volleys.大多数得分的截击球都是她击出的。He tripled to right field.他向右外野击出三垒打。Her shot landed on the putting green.击出的一记球落在轻击区。She hit a double to left field.击出一个二垒打把球击到左外野。He hit a three-run bomb over the left field wall.击出一个得三分的左外野本垒打。Pinch-hitter Francisco Cabrera lashed a single to left field.替补队员弗朗西斯科·卡布雷拉向左外场猛地击出一个一垒打。He banged the ball over the fence.他用力把球击出了围栏。She lined a single to left field. 击出的平直球飞到了左外野,形成一次一垒安打。He hit a single to right field.他向右外野击出一垒打。He hit a high pop fly to the second baseman.击出一个高高的小腾空球,飞向二垒手。He singled to right field.他向右外野击出了一垒打。He grounded out to the shortstop.他向游击手击出滚地球而出局。A fine shot from Tiger Woods has just missed the hole.泰格·伍兹击出的一记好球滑洞而过。He lined out to the shortstop. 击出的平直球被游击手接住而出局。He hit a long ball to right field.他往右场击出一记长球。I place a ball on the tee and get a good drive away.我将高尔夫球放置在球座上,击出了一个好球。His drumming is constantly inventive.击出的鼓点总是令人耳目一新。He played a great shot to his opponent's forehand.他朝对手的正手位击出一计好球。He bombed a homer in the ninth inning.他在第九局击出一个本垒打。He fisted a goalbound shot over the bar.他将一个要进的球击出横梁。The batter skied to the center fielder.击球员向中场手击出高球。




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