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词汇 出色
例句 Some providers are doing this exceptionally well while others are failing to deliver.一些供应商做得极其出色,而另一些却交不了货。That writer is really on the ball.那位作家可真出色His work is only fair, certainly not distinguished.他的工作成绩只不过一般,远不算出色They did a brilliant cover of the old Abba song.他们出色地翻录了阿巴乐队的那首老歌。They're determined to outshine their competition.他们决心要比竞争对手做得更出色They were singled out for their excellent work.他们因为工作出色而被看重。No one wants to give him a game because he's too good.没有人想和他较量,因为他太出色了。The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors.这家银行表现得不如几家竞争对手出色While Sade's voice isn't technically brilliant it has a quality which is unmistakable.虽然萨德的歌声从技巧方面说谈不上多出色,但很独特。She was chosen for the job because she was the superior candidate.因为她比其他应聘者更出色,所以她被选中做这份工作。Being a good salesman requires skill, flair, and a good knowledge of your product.要成为一名出色推销员需要有技能、天分和对自己产品的深刻了解。You did an outstanding job on the project.你在这个项目上出色地完成了任务。He has served his country extraordinarily well.他服役期间表现极其出色He has done good but not outstanding work.他干得不错,但谈不上出色The orchestra rose magnificently to the challenge of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.乐队出色地完成了贝多芬第五交响乐的演奏。My son got an excellent report last semester.我儿子上学期成绩出色He outshone his fellow pupils in every skill.他在各种技能上都比他的同学更出色She defended her position exceptionally well.出色地捍卫了自己的立场。You are to be congratulated on/for your excellent work.你工作出色理应受到祝贺。She had served her purpose gracefully and well, and he owed her something.她既得体又出色地解决了问题,他欠她个人情。Laurence Olivier portrayed Hamlet beautifully.劳伦斯·奥利弗出色地饰演了哈姆雷特。I thought he carried off the part of Hamlet with great skill.我认为他扮演的哈姆雷特一角技巧出色,非常成功。The quarterback executed the play perfectly.四分卫出色地完成了比赛。The following year Lewis went one better by winning the gold medal.第二年,刘易斯做得更加出色,赢得了金牌。He was honored with an award for excellence in teaching.他因教学出色而获表彰。Three of the cars we tested stood out among the rest.我们测试的汽车中有三辆比其他的要出色The quality of his work is all right but not outstanding.他的工作还算不错,但算不上出色He praised the excellent work of the UN weapons inspectors.他赞扬了联合国武器核查人员的出色工作。He is a clutch hitter/player. = He is clutch.他是一个在关键时刻能出色发挥的击球手/选手。I make no claim to be a brilliant pianist, but I can play a few tunes.我不敢自夸钢琴弹得出色,不过能弹几首曲子。He actually thrives on stress.压力实际上使他更出色Their first two EPs were, um, OK, but more meh than magnificent.他们的前两张密纹唱片还凑合,但没多大意思,远算不上出色The artist has used contrast marvelously in his paintings.那画家在他的画作中出色地运用了色彩的对比。Falling sales in Thailand were offset by strong performances in other markets.其他市场的出色业绩弥补了泰国销售量的下降。The pièce de résistance of his stage act was a brilliant Barbra Streisand impression.他最拿手的表演节目是对芭芭拉·史翠珊的出色模仿。There are many good players here, but she is in a different class altogether. 这里有许多优秀选手,但她要出色得多。He penned a note thanking a professor for a well-taught course.他写了一张便条,感谢教授把这门课教得这么出色Her performance has been assisted by good looks and natural talent.她的美貌和天资让她的表演更加出色The smaller dog actually came off better, with only a few scratches.那只小一点的狗实际上表现得更为出色,身上只有几处抓痕而已。Thanks to Margaret's excellent chairmanship, the business of the meeting was speedily and efficiently dispatched.由于玛格丽特的出色主持,会议的议程得以迅速高效地完成。




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