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例句 All these paintings of Venice were done by Canaletto.所有这些关于威尼斯的绘画作品都出自卡纳莱托之手。The book quotes from the diaries of novelist Evelyn Waugh.该书中有些引语出自小说家伊夫琳·沃的日记。Mistakes proceed from inadvertence.错误出自粗心大意。He comes from old money.出自有祖传基业的家庭。The patent insincerity of his answer made me angry.他的回答显然不是出自真心,这让我冒火。These two portraits are by the same hand. 这两幅画出自同一艺人之手。After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.经过多年研究,学者们终于认定这部佚名剧作出自克里斯托弗•马洛的手笔。From what author does this quotation come?这一引文出自哪位作者? Most experts have attributed the drawing to Michelangelo.大多数专家认为这幅画出自米开朗琪罗的手笔。It was a purely reflexive move on his part.这在他纯粹是出自本能的行动。All his actions are governed by expediency.他的所作所为都是出自自身利害考虑的。An anonymous author wrote this book.这本书出自无名氏之手。Does that quote come from Shakespeare?那句话出自莎士比亚吗?Cartoonists have pitched in with their favourites from their own and other hands.漫画家拿出了他们最喜爱的出自自己和他人之手的作品。His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.他选择第一份工作是出自对博物学的热爱。The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。The passage cited above is from a Robert Frost poem.以上引用的文字出自罗伯特·弗罗斯特的一首诗。There is an untapped wealth of writing talent, not in the groves of academe, but among the general population.有一类人的写作才华尚待发觉,这类人并非出自学术界,而是来自普通民众。Today, the controversy continues over whether Shakespeare wrote all his plays.今天,关于莎士比亚的戏剧是否都出自他本人之手的争论还在继续。The similarity between the two reports suggests that they were written by the same person.那两个报告极其相似,这意味著它们出自一人的手笔。The screenplay for 'Gabriel Over the White House' is credited to Carey Wilson.电影《天使降临白宫》的剧本出自凯里·威尔逊之手。She could threaten to play her trump card, an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures.她可能会威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。Chocolate comes from the cacao tree.巧克力出自可可树。I cannot pin the quotation down to its author.我不能确定这条引语出自哪位作家。He's sincere in his views.他的观点出自真心。My violin is a Stradivarius.我的小提琴出自大师斯特拉迪瓦里之手。These impulses are often totally unconscious.这些冲动常常完全出自无意识。It's a quotation from a poem by Keats.这句话出自济慈的一首诗。The ballads are of common parentage.这些民谣出自同一来源。The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.这次审讯将得出自杀的结论。Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman.头部所受的那些重击有可能出自一个女人之手。These faiths draw on the traditional religions of indigenous peoples.这些信仰出自原住民的传统宗教。My answer seemed to come from the subconscious.我的回答似乎出自下意识。Such a speech should never have been made, least of all by a so-called responsible politician.这种话本来就不应该说,尤其是不应出自一个所谓负责任的政客之口。He was acting from the noblest of motives when he offered her money.他给她钱出自最高尚的动机。That must be a reference to Shakespeare.那肯定是出自莎士比亚的典故。This oldie comes from a parish magazine.这个老笑话出自一本教区杂志。The artwork for the LP was done by Bill Hofstadter.林肯公园的广告插图出自比尔·霍夫斯塔特之手。Picasso looms largest of all, but there are also some fine things by a range of lesser knowns.毕加索的作品是最抢眼的,但也有些佳作出自知名度没那么高的画家之手。The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.这些画出自一个人人向往上流社会的时代。




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