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例句 He acts like he has a corner on new ideas. 他表现得好像只有他才想得出新点子。The crisis acquired a new dimension.危机又呈现出新特点。We will only publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it.你能给出令人信服的理由我们才会出新版。Critics are raving about the new show.评论家们在极力赞扬这出新戏。The new opera has played to full houses.出新歌剧演出以来场场客满。With the new show, we were onto something big.随着这出新剧的上演,我们将大有作为。California wine makers are trying to do new things with Sauvignon blanc instead of just aping French styles.加利福尼亚州的酿酒商正试图用苏特恩葡萄酿出新品,而不只是一味模仿法国风味。The new musical is a good showcase for her talents.出新的音乐剧充分展示了她的才华。My boss asked me to cost the materials for the new fence and gate.老板让我计算出新围栏和大门的材料费用。She's able to mix and match her sweaters with different skirts to create new outfits.她能用羊毛衫和不同裙子搭配出新的装束。He spoke with a newfound sureness in his voice.他的声音显露出新有的自信。All the critics praised the new play for its originality.所有的评论家都赞许这出新剧有独创性。The new play poses some challenging questions.出新戏提出了一些挑战性问题。The drama critics sailed into the new play.戏剧评论家猛烈抨击这出新戏。The actress made her debut in the new comedy.这位演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。Critics raved about the new play.评论家大谈特谈这出新戏。There was about her a new radiance.她焕发出新的神采。He has scored a great success with his new play.他的那出新戏获得了极大的成功。The new play is the hit of the season.出新戏是本季最叫座的。Critics acclaimed the new play.批评家们盛赞这出新戏。He backed the costs of the new play.他同意承担这出新戏的费用。The food queues were a sad comment on the quality of life in the new republic.排队购买食物可悲地反映出新共和国的生活质量。An author must have rich invention to think up new ideas for stories.作家必须具有丰富的创造力,才能为故事构思出新意。The tree will leaf out in the spring.这棵树在春天会长出新叶。Citizens will vote today for their new governor.市民们今天将投票选出新州长。The new play is fetching large audiences every night.出新戏每晚都吸引大批观众。He acts as if he's cornered the market on new ideas.他表现得好像只有他才想得出新点子。The new play received poor notices.出新戏反应很差。




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