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词汇 出戏
例句 On-screen, she lacks the vitality or charisma to pass this performance off.电影中的她缺乏演绎这出戏的活力和魅力。Critics really slapped the play around.批评家们对那出戏大加苛责。The play was an undoubted success.出戏大获成功。Let's run through the play from the beginning.让我们把这出戏从头排练一遍。The whole play was executed with great precision.出戏从头到尾表演得丝丝入扣,有板有眼。Tony forced himself to sit the play out.托尼逼自己耐着性子坐到那出戏演完。The play was little more than froth.出戏只不过是些浅薄的空谈。The play was so boring, I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.出戏太乏味了,我差点睡着了。We were all bored silly by the play.出戏让我们都觉得无聊得要死。The play resonates with contemporary themes.出戏充满了当代主题。The play was a flop.出戏是个失败。The play was about the fall of an honest man.出戏是关于一个诚实的人堕落的故事。The play is not as good as some critics would have you believe.出戏没有评论家说得那么好。The play ran for two months on Broadway.出戏在百老汇连演了两个月。The play is tolerably amusing, but it is let down by the actors' weak performances.出戏还算有趣,但美中不足的是演员表演得不太好。The play opened last week to universal acclaim.出戏上周上演后获得一致好评。The play is set in a small Midwestern town.出戏以中西部的一个小镇为背景。Contrary to expectations, the play was a big success.出戏出乎意料地获得了巨大的成功。Both the play and the role were tailor-made for her.出戏和这一角色都是专为她写作设计的。This play is based on a true story.出戏以真事为基础。That play turned out to be a total bomb.出戏结果彻底失败。I've never seen this play performed before.我以前从未见到这出戏上演过。The play turned out all right on the night.出戏初次上演就获成功。She was always word-perfect at the first rehearsal.出戏首排时,她总已把台词记得烂熟。The play came to its uproarious conclusion.出戏收场时闹哄哄地非常有趣。It's a very amusing play with an uproarious final act.出戏很有意思,尤其是最后一幕令人捧腹。Parts of the play were extremely funny. I enjoyed it immensely.出戏有些部分十分有趣,我非常喜欢。He didn't make the first act of the play.他没有赶上这出戏的第一幕。The play still packs a punch, as last week's production proved.正如上周的演出所证明的那样,这出戏依然反响强烈。The play will be performed first in the capital, and will then tour the rest of the country.出戏将在首都首演,然后到国内其他地方巡回演出。The play was simply marvellous.出戏真是精彩。It is said that Shakespeare himself once acted in this play.据说莎士比亚本人曾演过这出戏Irene was wild about the play.艾琳非常喜欢这出戏The play is due to be previewed tonight.出戏定于今晚试演。The play's message is that right always triumphs.出戏的主题思想是正义最终总是会取得胜利。That play last night was really putrid!昨晚的那出戏实在太糟了!They made elaborate costumes for the play.他们为这出戏精心制作戏装。Onscreen, she lacks the vitality or charisma to pass this performance off.电影中的她缺乏演绎这出戏的活力和魅力。The play, like so many before it, died the death after a week.出戏与此前的很多戏一样,在一周之后以失败告终。The play has a very complicated plot.出戏的情节相当复杂。




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